A Unique Moment In Our History Has Arrived…
Liberate Yourself, Embrace Your Intuition
We are at a unique moment in history, on the brink of an evolutionary shift. It has the potential to alter the direction of humanity´s next step.
Millions around the world are feeling a calling to reclaim our authentic power to co-create the future of our lives and shape the future of our world.
This current full moon in Virgo is guiding us to liberate our life and our dreams. We sit on the brink of a new era.
Mercury went direct on the same day as the exact full moon, contributing to a feeling of transformation and opening to new possibility.
Being Yourself Is A Priority
Even if we have yet to fully comprehend how the pieces of the puzzle interact to create something new…
…they are doing so. For this we need to trust and surrender to the process and outcome. To help us harness the energy and the new wisdom which is awakening.
Virgo is adding the dimension of health and healing to our understanding of the importance of boundaries (Saturn), death and regeneration (Pluto), communication and news (Mercury) and the activation of our inner Light (Sun). All are being transformed.
The additional element will be accessing our ancestors` knowledge of energy, frequency and vibration. This will enable the beginning of a dramatic re-orientation of what it means to be connected.
As an Earth sign, Virgo helps you process all your life’s lessons, and let go of what no longer serves you or benefits your well-being.
During the light of this full moon, let go of your resistance to saying YES to you! Your personal well-being is a priority.
From 13th March this process is assisted by Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer, squaring our moon’s North node.
The North node represents our future — where we are collectively headed…
…this tense aspect will bring up issues of how we need to heal, collectively and personally.
Since our moon’s North node (dharma) is in Cancer and our South node (karma) is in Capricorn — we are all learning how nurturing and self-care are more valuable than money and status.
For others it may be very easy to remain distracted by the chaos and destruction of current events. Allowing fear to dominate with its belief ´I will never be enough.´
Instead let the Virgo moon shine upon you and liberate the reminder you were born to make a difference.
The Model Is Changing
Which is about embracing the different textures and experiences life shows you and learning how to stop reacting from fear…
…instead learning to “make more love” by responding from your heart´s desires, authentic core and naked truth.
It also requires a large shift within you to trust your soul’s quiet voice rather than the expanding cry of fear.
Something was triggered within you during the recently completed Mercury retrograde. It led you to release your need to please others in order to justify your actions. No more being the victim as a result of the actions of others.
Through self-responsibility we are embracing the age of liberation and celebrating everyone’s unique contribution to humanity´s evolution. This is what defines the Aquarian age.
When you choose not to look back or seek to second-guess what is evolving, you liberate yourself completely. Feeling the connection to your soul and being free to just be and receive.
The days to the end of Mercury´s post-retrograde shadow on 30th March are a period for integration. The moment for you to put into practice what you learned about yourself during the six week long retrograde.
In addition to being the sign of health, Virgo is also about how you can serve the world, and following your daily practice. The current media focus on fear and panic makes it even more important to remain calm with inner peace. It will be needed to help you realise the opportunities being created by the re-structuring underway.
The world economy is slowing down with the many restrictions — this is the Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn influence we will experience this entire year. Collectively we are learning to value self-care, the beauty of simplicity, and how to live with less to be kinder to Mother Earth.
Liberate Yourself, Embrace Your Intuition
It is simply highlighting how we all need to shift our consciousness to experience the beauty of all life. Holding on, controlling or becoming fixated on our plans will not assist. They must be flexible, consciously adjusted and adapted.
The Virgo full moon is asking you to let go of every precise, minute detail. Instead, falling into the embrace of your intuition. Yes, you have invested hours, money, energy, love into it and so your mind/ego is grappling with holding onto it as opposed to letting go. My advice is to liberate yourself.
This advice is the same whether you wish to start, accelerate your business or change its direction.
Every crisis carries the seeds of opportunity. This one is about leaving the energy of the 20th century to engage with that of the 21st.
Which is what this Virgo full moon is highlighting. How to be of service with love and compassion to our fellow humans and all other beings here on Mother Earth.
So, to ask yourself the question: “what gives me the most joy?” Then add: “what does love want me to do?”
Many will be spending the vast majority of their time at home over the coming weeks. This will have repercussions on families, businesses, and social and community life.
The more you focus on opportunities, the more you liberate your creativity and focus on the potential. Some actions the pandemic may push us into will help us in the longer run.
We are moving from an age of autocratic leadership to the Aquarian one of exploration and freedom. No longer following someone else´s plan to creating our own — scary as it may be!
For those in need of greater internal clarity, here is a link to an audio guiding you through a simple meditation.
Opportunities To Grow
My recommendations to help you liberate the opportunities to accelerate your life are:
- Deepen your personal growth practices and ability to be calm in a tempest. This cultivates your capacity for more conscious leadership.
- Focus on what unites humanity rather than what divides. The pandemic can help us cross political and relationship divides as we work on shared solutions to community challenges.
- Crises force innovative thinking, new entrepreneurial ideas and visionary solutions to emerge. New businesses will be born. What could you create during this crisis that will demonstrate real value in the period after?
- This can lead more people to recognise we truly are one inter-connected human family and can only solve our challenges when we work together. In essence, this crisis can propel us into a greater sense of global solidarity and citizenship, which is the hallmark of this next stage of evolution.
Virgo means having the humility to know that you do not know, or you are learning, or what you thought you knew is willing to stand aside for what you are ready to know.
What is achieved by pretending to yourself it is in your highest good and purpose, or of sacred service to the whole? Rather listen to your inner voice, a whisper on the wind, a vibration in your heart. This is the moment to shift gears and alter your path.
All the work, service and growth you have woven into previous years is now holding you in its womb and calling you to step up.
Only you can make the choice whether or not to liberate it.
The question to ask yourself is which will assist you to grow the most with regard to stepping through the doorway to your destiny? In particular in relation to communications, intellect and media.
Ready To Re-Think 2020?
18th March brings the peak of Capricorn´s energy of transformation as there are six planets shoulder-to-shoulder to it. The next day is good to demonstrate leadership qualities or say yes to being an educator or facilitating instructor. It will also be a good day for offering sample sessions.
This phase to create new relationships continues until 19th April.
21st March brings the equinox. This one though has more than the usual balance of day and night. It marks the opening of a nine month period for preparation to the big planetary shift which takes place during the Winter Solstice on 21st December. Saturn moving from Capricorn into Aquarius for the next two years.
As a forerunner, also on 21st March Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius until 1st July…
…providing the opportunity for us to re-think this year and what we desire in it based on our inner dreams.
On 22nd March your creative energy will move into a higher gear. The next day offers an increase in ambition and the desire to experience and use your power.
It is one of the year’s most powerful days for purposeful/mission-based work.
The January 2020 article “You Are Free To Choose Your Own Life Or Allow Others To Still Direct It” set out:
“Foundations will be tested…The more immediate effect will be to challenge business models which do not reflect the inclusive, equal way of operation. The nature of entrepreneurship is changing. The need for transformational services is increasing and will continue over the period ahead.”
Whatever it is you are fired up and passionate about, this is the day to work independently on it. So growing your capacity to be its vehicle/channel to work through you.
The day is an exceptional one to promote services or programmes that support, facilitate helping people to work through the power they have over trauma/s.
The New Era Is Coming, Are You Ready?
On 24th March the new moon in Aries rises. A moment for new beginnings, especially those interacting with our doorway to destiny. Its call is to do what you incarnated to do, calling you to take your next step. No longer to dither or dally on the way.
This current fear is representative of a population out of touch with their own power, the power of Spirit, and the power of the unconscious.
Astrology reminds us there are no accidents, just life (unconscious spiritual forces) teaching us new lessons about the nature of our reality and of ourselves.
My summary of the energies of 2020 is:
- 2020 is a year of pivotal change.
- It is essential for us to become comfortable in uncertainty.
- Our relationship with fear will be tested.
- Existing structures will be shaken up and new leadership emerge.
- Self-care and daily practices to help you stay mentally, physically and emotionally strong will be essential.
- It is in our greatest good to stay present. Slowing life down while the reality seems to speed up and become more chaotic.
- Connect to and trust in your intuition.
- Many of us will be called into action, which is why we incarnated.
- Each of us has choices in how we respond to the shifting energies…do you react and panic? Or stay centred and respond?
I invite you to observe how certain events make you feel… are there people around you or thoughts you keep having that leave you feeling more anxious?
All that I have my guidance and reading highlights this year as extraordinarily intense, especially now. The indication is by the end of the year our actions will liberate us…
…the work we do in 2020 will create a silver lining for us toward the end of the year.
Create Harmony In Your Life
It is crystal clear each of us is a unique and vital part of the collective ecosystem. We have a responsibility to our fellow humans for our mutual survival — and yet, even as many must take enforced social distancing we also know we are never truly alone.
It is important to ensure you relax and rejuvenate your body and soul. Make sure you remember to breathe! Eat well and make sure you have enough sleep.
A recent Message From Source provided this guidance on the current moment:
“…stand back from the fear and believe in yourself. Trusting the direction you take and allowing all who assist you in every moment to do so. This is not to pass over your own power to others. Rather it is to exercise your own power through accepting your choices. Knowing they are yours and so allowing the actions you take to bring into being the creative energies you have chosen to unleash.
Expect miracles to occur, though not necessarily those you think will do so. The more you reach out to the unlimited nature of Creation, the more you will be able to create beyond your current horizons. This will be the essence of the new age. Not the sense of what has been, rather the sense of the freedom to create what you desire.”
To Liberate Your Life
Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.
To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.