Are You Open for What is Coming?

Gregory Reece-Smith
6 min readJun 5, 2019


Open for Change? Annelies Geneyn Unsplash

The first half of June is providing us with space to prepare for what is coming. Meaning this appears a quiescent month with little planetary activity, however….

Ready to Dream The New Into Creation?

The new Gemini moon appeared on 3rd June giving great energy and courage to brave new ideas, especially in business. It is also a good moon for recognising love and making money.

The air sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury. It has to do with communication and networking, curiosity, and everyday problem solving. Mercury currently being in Gemini enhances this as a period for brainstorming and exploring ideas.

The planet of mind and consciousness Mercury, is very active this month. Meaning, there will be a great deal of mental stimulation as well as energy downloads.

The first two weeks provide an excellent opportunity to set dreams and ideas — maybe more than one if you can choose — into motion and so creation.

The energy of this new moon is an opportunity to make progress in our bigger evolutionary picture. Encouraging us to use the processes of discussion and dialogue, writing and communication to broaden our experience.

Each of us will therefore face many choices that can guide us toward new and exciting experiences. The decisions made now will have long lasting effects.

As a whole though, June is a month for preparing emotionally, spiritually, and mentally for what is coming. We will therefore need to ensure we follow our heart and the highest good it is seeking for us rather than the resistance of our Lifeguard.

In numerology, June 2019 is a 9 Universal Month. (6+2+0+1+9 = 18, and 1+8 = 9). 9 is a number of culminations, endings and celebration.

Only when you have the courage to let go of the limitations, will you be able to avail yourself of amazing opportunities. The energy of June is giving us space to prepare ourselves to acknowledge and receive them. For what is coming will be extraordinary.

Do You Know What To Choose?

My indication at the beginning of 2019 was it will be year of renewal. One where you are freeing yourself from beliefs as to who you are. Allowing your identity to transform into one where you are living in alignment with your soul’s desires. To be who you incarnated to be, living that “mission”.

June is the moment to assess your choices about becoming that person. To exercise your freewill with regard to making those choices. My passion is to help you make the best possible choices, hence writing and publishing these overviews.

Everyone is in the same boat with regard to the need to make their choices. If it does not feel scary then you are still in your comfort zone. Instead you need to follow your soul´s urges to step outside it. Creating a whole new way of being, heading in a new direction cannot be achieved from inside your existing comfort zone.

Which is why June is providing space to explore new ideas and connect with other people. Expanding your mind and consciousness, all of which requires communication.

In addition to culminations and endings, 9 is also the number of the hermit. Meaning encouragement to find space to be alone. To process what we are initiating and the flow of ideas. Tuning in to your inner voice. Feeling into the path which gives you the most joy.

To assist you gain insights from Your Best Self, Your True Self, Your Full Potential Self, here is a link to an mp3 resource — Your Full Potential Self.

Where there is conflict between the beliefs held in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, energy will not flow freely. The lack of synchronisation resulting in pain and dis-comfort and almost certainly making you feel tired, even lethargic.

Focused Intention or Bumbling Along?

My suggestion is during the two weeks to the full moon to set intentions that are short term, ones you can work on until the full moon. The timeline for your deeper, slower-burning and life-altering intentions is until the next Gemini full moon — 12th December 2019. You therefore have six months for these to come to fruition.

The paradox we face is that in seeking new ideas we will need to reach out to connect with the whole. It can therefore be difficult to also be in the present moment or focused.

However, we will need a narrow focus in order to return to what are the personal desires of our soul. Which is going to create for many a challenge to their practice. For it will require you to tune in and maintain connection to the guidance you want to connect to, rather than being open to all channels. It is our choice how to focus our practice.

Drifting into escapism through fantasy and daydreaming will not lead us to the choices we can make. That said Mercury moved into Cancer on 4th June, so most of the interesting conversations are likely to be with yourself!

This article from Entrepreneur — 7 Ways to Refocus on What’s Truly Important, will help you focus on what is really important in your life.

8th June Venus moves into Gemini so providing support to address any relationship issues. It will be important to recognise the integration of words and emotions, with mind and heart, values and actions. Otherwise we will…..

The tempo shifts completely on 16th June when there is 2019´s second exact square of illusory Neptune and expansive Jupiter. Triggered by the Gemini Sun, they are asking us to let go, move beyond disillusionment and connect with a grander vision of spirituality and wisdom. They will challenge our paradigms of reality.

Do You Recognise Your Inner Voice?

Together they will ignite your enthusiasm, your sense of optimism and trust in what is unfolding. Which will give you confidence in yourself to take risks. Your guidance supporting you to step out of your experience into the unknown.

A word of warning — Neptune’s higher-consciousness calling when combined with Jupiter at play could make it difficult to separate intuition from wishful thinking. My experience is that the louder the inner voice, the less likely it is to be guidance.

Also with the Sun and Moon in data-driven Gemini, you are likely to find just the evidence you need to prove whatever you want to yourself.

Rather distinguish your guidance and the balance of insight and enthusiasm will keep the ideas flowing freely.

Want To Accelerate Your Life?

Every last one of your aspirations, no matter how grand and seemingly out of reach, is attainable. My passion is to help you to take action to do so….

whether it is to change your story, identify how to use your gifts, accelerate your business, address your relationships and alter the patterns you feel stuck in? All is possible to change, only you need to aware of its nature and then choose to make the change.

An extraordinary full moon rises on 17th June. In Sagittarius, it is ruled by Jupiter — a sign of expansion. As the archer, Sagittarius is always looking toward the future. Whereas Gemini is about your mind and your consciousness, Sagittarius is about your higher mind and your higher consciousness.

Full moons usually have an emotional intensity. Yes this will be present, though the emotions will most likely be positive and uplifting. It will also bring a hunger for the truth.

Its impact will be profound due to its alignment pointing directly at the Galactic Centre — the point of creation!

If you have difficulty in voicing your beliefs, especially those connected to your purpose, this moon will help you be in touch with what is really important to you.

What Is Coming Is….

The day after Neptune joins Saturn with the purpose of making dreams come true to your highest potential. They provide opportunity for the material to flow from our spiritual or purposeful pursuits. Providing insights based on what is possible rather than what has been “alright.”

Then you will answer Zig Ziglar — “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”

On the 21st there is the solstice, within hours of Neptune joining Saturn and Jupiter as retrograde. Whatever actions you take now will reflect in the “final outcome” of these transits in the last part of the year.

June’s alignments are preparing us for the influential eclipse cycle starting on 2nd July with a solar eclipse. These are a prelude to the Saturn and Pluto conjunction on 12th January 2020. They are already influencing us to focus on finding our authority, taking a stand, and creating sustainable systems and structures.

To Being Open



Gregory Reece-Smith
Gregory Reece-Smith

Written by Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.

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