Choose Who You Are Going To BE For 2020 And Beyond
Ensure flexibility and your choice is sustainable
All of us are being encouraged to choose who we are going to BE, to create our magnificent dream for 2020 and beyond. This is not one of the “usual” end of year plans of how we expect 2020 to be for us.
Rather the Gemini full moon on the 12th wanted us to first draw a line under 2019 as a whole. To finalise, complete and consolidate all we had learnt.
Simplify Your Life
Then settle into the place of peace within to activate your vision, listening to your dreams.
Gemini “The Twins” is the sign of duality, making this a perfect full moon to reflect, retrieve parts and fragments you left elsewhere, integrate and heal. The purpose being to accept and acknowledge love of self, loving your life and so others. Some divine unions are happening as well as “false unions” that will repeat lessons.
My suggestion is to use the two weeks to the new moon on the 26th to focus on discovering who you are. To choose the direction of the path you wish to walk. Then you will activate wonderful opportunities to set yourself free and open the door to a fresh start.
The rise of the full moon at 12 minutes past the hour on the 12th combined with the last rare astrological event of 2019 — a triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn and Pluto. Its purpose to strip away mental anguish, let go of anxiety and mental chatter to simplify your life by embracing only its essentials. Then you can freely choose who you are going to be.
The two of the 10 hacks which resonate most with me in this Forbes article by Jeanne Croteau are: Create a Morning Ritual; and Unplug from Technology. Her summary is to:
“Make a conscious decision to simplify your life by whittling down your possessions, commitments and the people in your life.”
Around this full moon you will feel the need to express your emotions, your imagination, joy and love. The presence of Venus will ensure love and money are a major focus of this moon phase. For many these two weeks may appear difficult with Saturn creating delays and restrictions, and Pluto bringing fear and crises.
The triple conjunction will bring your home, family and intimate relationships into sharper awareness. Along with money, the purpose is to restore balance in your life. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, will create inner tension and external pressures.
As you define your magnificent dream, your vision, your heart will expand during this Gemini full moon.
Release To Create Balance
The Air sign Gemini governs motion, activity, communication skills, facts and information. It is encouraging you to be aware of how and what you write and speak. In that sense, how you assimilate information and express the resulting thoughts. Gemini is not necessarily a sign of stability, rather floating on the Air to take you to a new level.
Pluto and Venus Saturn are directing you to mature and take responsibility for your feelings, your emotions, your flow of money and love. These major shifts in vibration could make you feel groggy, foggy, moody or up one minute, and down the next. Internal conflicts could also trigger pain and dis-comfort.
Pluto is transforming your values and purging unnecessary attachments to the past — empowering you from within. Relationships are being brought into balance and situations are reaching the tipping point so you can make adjustments before the end of the year.
As I have written before, the key is to first meet YOUR OWN emotional needs. Then once centred you will be able to nurture and meet the needs of others. Make no judgement as to how you feel and do not judge how others feel.
This really is an ideal moment to secure long-lasting connections, including passionate love. Especially, as you will feel very attractive, very magnetic. Venus also governs abundance and your values and is deepening how you use your energy to enhance abundance in your life.
Full emotional passion and commitment are required. Otherwise you will in the coming days be distracted once again. Despite any insights you might have received as to the major influence early 2020 will be for you.
Choose Who You Are Going To BE — You Or …?
We are at a moment in our lives where it is being readjusted — know these adjustments WILL BE MADE. No matter how well any aspect has served you, once past its sell by date it will be released. This applies especially to your beliefs. Only being flexible and open will ensure an easy passage through this period.
This full moon is preparing us all for the coming decade. Self-responsibility, self-awareness is essential. With this we take control of our lives. No longer ceding control to others, no matter whether it is your children, partner, boss, parents or siblings to name a few.
The energy also speaks to embodiment, truth, integrity, aligning mind, body and spirit, your throat and third eye chakras and walking your talk!
It is the moment to embody your truth and live from your own power. Choosing who you are going to BE.
Altering this mindset may require accessing the esoteric to understand yourself at a soul level. Perhaps uncovering what was previously hidden or secret from you.
My suggestions to help you shine your light are to:
- Feed your soul with nourishing, supportive words, rather than reflect on anything which has not been done; and
- Fill your heart, mind and entire being with the energy of acceptance, acknowledgement and love of yourself.
The day after the full moon, Venus teamed up with Pluto to increase our ability to attract others. These could be clients, friends or partners. The subsequent two weeks are likely to find unauthentic advertising and marketing copy to be closely scrutinised.
Opportunities To Create Your Magnificent Dream
15th December brought four months of beneficial influence from Jupiter and Uranus. The favourable consequences of this combination occur only every five to nine years. Fortune will be smiling on you from directions you could never have imagined!
Their call is likely to be very exciting, inviting you to try something completely new and different. Breaking free from the status quo to help you create stable structures that are a step beyond where you have ever been before.
If there is restlessness about any aspect of your life which feels stale or stagnant, know it will be changed. Be prepared to respond favourably to any exciting opportunity which appears, especially if in alignment with your message, your soul’s desires.
It may initiate in a new venture or message on your magnificent dream, creating the moment for launching it in January. This is especially so for any group activity associated with financial services. Group educational or learning programmes are also favoured, as are writing, publishing and speaking. Particularly when your calling is to create personal or spiritual growth based on you and your offer being authentic. When not then…..
Only what is sustainable will grow in 2020 and beyond. Everyone and business that is not will keep repeating painful lessons next year and on.
The solstice arrives on the 21st. It also opens the door to three months of support for focusing on increasing your income, your profitability by means that challenge established practice. Conferences, events and courses on esoteric subjects offered during this period are likely to meet a yearning, a desire by the public for awareness.
Insights For 2020
That said, there may be a parting of the ways with those who are no longer aligned with the way you view life. This is another consequence of the rise in vibration which is underway — last week, the Schumann resonance went to its highest recorded peak!
In numerology 2020 is a 4 year. Meaning it is the Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. Its energy supports home and land, stillness, and enjoying the home comforts. So 2020 will be an excellent one to travel less and take care of your home, honour the land where you reside, improve your house, relocate/move only if it is to a better place for you. And, nurture relations with your neighbours.
The 4 in 2020 will also expand upon some of the creative new ideas and inspirations from 2019, bringing them into form. Your daily practice will become ever more important. It needs to reflect your TRUTH, self-love and your growing/evolving sustainable being.
The essence of 2020 is:
- It is a foundational year. Be patient. We are in a long cycle of immense transformation and evolution.
- Everything will evolve.
- The essential element is to be yourself and to make choices that allow you to step into a bigger, bolder expression of your authentic self.
- New values, new economy, sustainable resources and peace are being built.
- The world you see around you is a reflection of your consciousness.
- Have courage to stretch yourself, defining yourself from your soul.
- The cosmos is teaching you to use your mind to stimulate your emotions and from that alignment, to create your soul’s desires. Change your mindset from limitation to one of expansion.
Major cycles are ending and you need to find the courage to be deeply and completely honest with yourself.
Questions To Help You
My suggestion is you use this space before the next eclipse cycle begins on the 26th to really reflect on your year, the decade we are leaving and the new one arriving.
The action for each of us was summarised in this recent Message From Source:
“There is often so much conflict it is impossible for the quiet inner voice to be heard.
This is where humanity is at the moment. Too much activity to hear their own inner voice. To be aware of what is unfolding for each of you and so the collective consciousness of all. This is going to be a challenge for many and will create greater conflict and separation from both themselves and their guidance.
Whilst you may feel you cannot create such change by yourself, this is not correct. Each person who quietens themselves will create more opportunity for others to do so.”
Here are some questions to open the conversation with your quiet inner voice. Ask yourself as you make your choices:
- To reflect and consider, what are you creating and what are you leaving?
- What of your authentic truths do you need to speak up, live more and share?
- What beliefs and stories must you surrender so you can truthfully show up, nakedly as YOU?
The Next Step
During the full moon on the 12th, we entered the eclipse portal to the Capricorn solar eclipse on 26th December. 2019 has been a year of preparation for this eclipse cycle. It has been seeking to create a firm base to surf the wild waves ahead of you.
The Capricorn eclipse energies will also be urging you to be authentic and root in your own knowing. There is no requirement to place yourself in uncomfortable positions just to please another, seeking their love.
Usually the effect of a partial solar eclipse lasts about four weeks. However, because of the other influences the effect of this one will be six months. So stay rooted in your heart, worth and truth. If your loving another means not loving yourself first, it cannot be love.
With this last full moon of the decade and the partial solar eclipse be prepared for changes coming. Eclipses are powerful pivot points in your life. They are moments of potent beginnings, endings and “jumps” in your evolution or next step.
Creation has bigger plans for you, so surrender to the flow.
2020 is the year that will change everything you once knew as you set out to build an entirely “new being”. One that is your authentic self, built on your own nervous system, your voice and your boundaries.
To Choosing Who You Are Going To Be
Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organizations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.
To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.