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Connection + Co-operation = Creating Your Life

Deepen your trust in yourself, speak your truth

Gregory Reece-Smith
10 min readApr 8, 2020


We are being pushed to do a “Living Life Review”

This is what happens when our life takes a sudden turn and our chedules are completely disrupted.

We truly are in an unprecedented moment of change.

However, …

…in order to effect massive change

…we are being invited to go deep into the query of what is truly important in our lives, taking stock of what we have and learning to be grateful for every item, no matter its size.

At this moment the key to all of this chaos coming to an end and us moving forward to create our new normal is that we are in alignment with ourselves.

Are you truly doing what makes your heart sing and making a major contribution to others in some way?

Was what you were doing in total alignment with who you truly are?

Is there a new, more fun, more aligned career or business for you?

The full moon in Libra rose early on 8th April. Its influence is to bring the energy of co-operation, co-creation, co-existence into our lives. Empowering you to bring equilibrium into your life by deciding to say `no´ to those aspects draining your lifeforce.

When I was researching support for the views I set out in The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony, the science of epigenetics had just emerged. One of the leading exponents being Bruce Lipton.

His basic premise is our environment determines the pain and dis-comfort etc. we experience.

Last week I watched a FB Live interview by Bruce Lipton on the current virus.

He also outlined how the patterns of belief created during our imprint period, upto 7 years old, in effect direct our lives.

Why? Because these patterns form the basis for over 95% of our daily thoughts and so actions.

Co-operation Creates Harmony In Your Life

Once aware of our reactions and patterns, they can be altered once we choose to do so.

To me creating space for reflection and so awareness is a major opportunity available to us all in the current situation.

As an Air sign Libra is asking you to take a broad view of your life. Identifying its patterns rather than remaining closed up by your stories. Being the observer not the participant stuck on the ground in the destructive drama of the storyline.

Then there will be no confrontation between what you trust and what you must release as the relationships with yourself and others transform.

Whether you are spending more of your day than you are used to with a significant other and their annoying habits etc., new avenues of connection and challenges are appearing in all relationships.

Harmony is essential to create lasting relationships, hence the appearance of Libra. Its influence being amplified by being the second super moon of this year.

When change is underway, finding new places of balance often requires trial and error. Alter the relationship with yourself and that reflects on those with others.

Here are two questions to help you deepen your relationships. Ask yourself: ”How is your relationship with yourself changing? Where do you need to be patient, kind, or caring toward yourself?

As you navigate these new aspects, you have the opportunity to deepen your trust in yourself, speak your truth, and liberate yourself from attachments — including how you thought your life would be.

Mars (the planet of action and drive) is leading the way as it has just begun a new cycle with Jupiter (the planet of expansion, abundance, faith, and trust) and Pluto (the planet of death, rebirth, transformation, and profound truth).

On 31st March Mars joined Saturn (the planet of foundations and planning) in the visionary and innovative Aquarius. All of which is creating unpredictable though also highly creative moments. For we are laying the foundations of the future we desire to live in.

This Is A Period Of Deep Evolution

As we experience the current global turmoil, we know there must be another way.

Addressing our own internal chaos leads to change. However, this always brings up what we do not desire to look at. When we do we discover our shadow side, and so our journey within begins.

To create harmony though will also require the form of your relationships to be addressed.

All relationships and marriages may feel the pressure to face deep truths as never before. This will be based upon the values each of holds as our truth — which may now differ from the ones when the relationship started.

The Libra full moon highlights the need for more co-operation and so co-creation. Adding in Jupiter and Pluto amplifies this pivotal moment. They are calling for all hands-on deck as larger than life change transforms the world we have known.

Old establishments crumbling makes room for new organisations and ways of living that are more productive and sustainable. More about co-operation than competition.

One example of which has been the co-operation between health authorities across Mother Earth sharing ideas and experiences to address the corona virus.

Though there will be some rebuilding of the old, the new organisations which arise will offer something fresh, vibrant and conscious. For many these will mark the appearance of a new humanity, a New Earth.

There is no leader who is going to take us there. Rather, the form it takes will depend on our choosing to play a role, or not, in their co-creation. It is these decisions we make as individuals which co-create the collective.

The objective of which is to encourage people to focus on what Dan Kennedy described as a “gigantic, awesomely powerful ability to produce”.

Creating Alignment And Harmony

This being your mission into which you put all your creative energies. And then, to nurture, feed, exercise, strengthen, and invest in it. For it is your evolution you are co-creating with Source.

And this Libra full moon is empowering you to take responsibility for the happiness and abundance in your life. Its focus being for you to act on the intentions you have set for financial flow and abundance.

It will also help you feel the value of who you are and reap what you have sown. Making decisions which will liberate you from any financial limitations.

That said, in this new phase and the newly transformed energetic grid now in place, being out of alignment, especially with what you do to generate resources, is not going to be effective.

The current phase is for you to do the inner work to bring about alignment and harmony. For when the gates open and the world comes back on line, you will note a powerful unfolding take place.

Use this period away from the schedules, routines and distractions to take action to bring about alignment before returning to the routine. Planning for the new openings so you just have to press the start button.

Practice patience during the two weeks of energy surge from 7th April. Ensure you are physically active and seek out Nature to help create self-possession. Use your breath whenever your nervous system needs soothing as you evolve.

How you choose to be in this phase of evolution will determine how you move forward. To me this starts with your vision as to your mission.

Creating Through Visualising

To assist you, here is an additional daily practice to help create alignment with your vision. We are in a very powerful moment of creation and this will assist you to birth your own:

  • For about five minutes before you go to bed each day visualise the future you desire. This future can take any form, as long as you feel its nature;
  • Grow whatever it is every day, visualise it, feel it growing; and
  • Before you go to sleep ask any question you may have — e.g. “the next steps I need to make to bring this into creation?”

This dreaming will also assist creating a vision for a New Earth. One where we learn how to tread more lightly on the land whilst reclaiming our sovereignty through co-operation and co-existence.

11th April brings a reset, providing courage and innovation to create new beginnings.

Then on the 22nd there will be the Lyrids meteor shower. The phenomenon appears when Earth passes through the tail of a comet. The new moon rises in Taurus the next day.

An Earth sign it is telling us to be more diplomatic, to welcome and to talk the language of the others. Not to wait to be understood so they can discover they were wrong.

Taurus sees things from a grounded, practical and realistic perspective. It is a money creation sign. This one will ask you to generate business through your visioning and innovation.

There will also be a nudge to address any reluctance you have to charge the full value for your services.

Being an Earth sign means we may gain insights as the prototype of the New Earth emerging. The connection to wealth suggests there could be significant innovation appearing in finance, government and social policy changes.

Connection Plus Co-operation = Acceleration

Expect also a taste of rebellion and grassroots momentum to appear, with more long-term change coming in December.

One client recently called me a midwife to those seeking to create and accelerate their own business. Here are eight pointers to assist you accelerate your business during this period

  1. Use this period to take a really hard look at your business model and exactly how you help your ideal clients. Very often just a couple of changes to your business model, or how you charge can be the entire difference of 2–3x’ing your business. For example, it is much easier at this stage to sell something that has a higher price than one which is cheaper, though will require more people.
  2. Being relevant in your industry and niche is vital to accelerate your business. This comes down to the way that people view you, clarity on who you serve, what your message is to those people and alignment to your offer and those people.
  3. At all stages of business, the simplest way to grow is by allowing for more attention on you and what you do. The more attention on you, the more energy flows to you. From this you will be able to generate more resources, including money.
  4. The most effective way to build any business is being able to help more people in a deep way — very often people I meet are trying too hard to be what they believe to be an entrepreneur. They are not focusing on the needs of their ideal client.
  5. Listen more, instead of attempting to give people answers right away. Further, both listen and hear what someone is saying. This is the critical element in being able to help anyone.
  6. Spend more time on what I call the 3 C’s of Connection. This involves: creating more conversations; allowing for connections (by sharing who you really are); and building community. This can be completed both offline and online.
  7. Instead of paid advertising, rely on connecting with other people and then using those opportunities to connect with even more people. This could be from holding local events (when possible), connecting with people online, starting online.
  8. Stop consuming so much information. Restrict the information to what will help you achieve the task you have for the day.

All of which reminded me of this Henry Ford quote:

“Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.”

Review Your Life

Your choice is sit and wait for others or prepare to accelerate your life. Which you choose will determine the direction of the rest of your life and that of humanity.

A recent Message From Source provided this guidance on the current moment:

You are all living in a period of transformation, this is why you chose to do so! That said there is more evolving and underway than you have yet to become aware. The various strands of the change which has been initiated are yet to appear. At the moment you and humanity are yet to be one quarter of the way into the transition, let alone the transformation which has been initiated.

Continue to observe the signs and the messages. Being in Nature will be far more rewarding than the office, whatever form it may take. Continue to allow the fear to be offset by the Light which is within you all. This is where your truth resides., not in the stories which circulate.”

On the 25th April Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn until 4th October and Mercury squares off with Pluto.

Retrogrades are a period for reflection, review, re-considering, re-negotiating and re-structuring. This one will also challenge our current thinking. Directing us to look in those directions we have yet to explore.

My suggestion is therefore ensure you complete your “Living Life Review.”

The key is that with all of this upheaval what you want to avoid doing at all cost is longing for life to go “Back to Normal.”

This longing to go back while at the same time longing for our big desires creates a conflict of epic proportions — result nothing happens!

To Using Co-operation To Accelerate Your Life


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.



Gregory Reece-Smith
Gregory Reece-Smith

Written by Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.

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