Call of The New — Kristina Hoeppner, Unsplash

Find What Is Stagnant In Your Life, Listen To The Call Of The New

Willing to be totally different?

Gregory Reece-Smith
7 min readFeb 29, 2020


The current Pisces moon cycle (and 2020 in general!) is asking you to dissolve the known so you can make space for something new…

…in particular to try something totally different, embrace your independence, your need for transformation, and to follow your passion.

If you had any questions as to how, this new moon has a straightforward answer — “Do it”.

Allow The Insights To Bubble Up

With 2020 being an intense/transformative year of astrological transits, February´s new moon brings a welcome respite to your heart and soul.

It will bring into play everything to do with your dreamworld, innermost emotions, and beliefs in something larger than yourself. The influence of Pisces is to ask you to set aside ego, rather to recognise all is connected.

As the new moon rises during Mercury retrograde, this will create a tension between your mind and heart/thought and emotion and any unfinished business in general. It wants to help you bring yourself into a deeper understanding of a current situation or one that has come and gone, though still influencing you.

The combination is taking us deep into our psyche, digging up our feelings, our inner-longings. It is seeking to release our intuitive yearnings so they bubble up to the surface of our awareness.

Its purpose — to help us gain clarity on the direction of our lives. Perhaps to challenge us where we have kept ourselves small, or where we have allowed distractions to lead us off our path.

Suggesting difficulty sleeping and intensity of our dreams may not quite be over!

Any insight as to how to proceed is likely to appear after the coming full moon.

Personally the effect of the Piscean new moon will be to provide the inner confidence to communicate more about your deeper, formerly private spiritual insights and speak about the unknown and mysterious.

There will be no boundaries regarding your creative expression.

Your imagination will feel limitless as you explore the unseen and feel directly your connection to the Creator.

The influence of Venus and Jupiter will be to bring potential for fun, creativity, and enjoyment. Helping us all to re-direct our focus on beauty, abundance, and hope, allowing our life to be totally different.

Willing To Be Totally Different?

During the new moon there will be four planets in the Earthy Capricorn and four planets in Pisces — Water. Water and Earth are considered the “feminine” elements, Air and Fire are viewed as masculine.

With Uranus in Taurus it means nine out of our ten planets are in feminine signs. Only lonely Venus will be in the masculine fire sign Aries, though Venus itself is viewed as more of a feminine planet.

The message is for all of us — male and female, to connect with our ability to flow between listening and feeling (Pisces) and bringing into being (Capricorn).

Be careful though to avoid eluding reality, or becoming lost in alternate versions of it. Stay centred and in harmony instead of following any overly pessimistic or optimistic imaginary thoughts to guide you.

Remember Capricorn provides the theme for 2020 and its purpose is to bring into being new structures of society and to effect a culture shift. In terms of business the impact will be on how you market and tell your stories — more empathy driven and passion oriented.

My reminder is to check the validity of your stories through meditation, silence, spending time in Nature, or listening to guidance. Then you will be on the path to birthing the world you desire to bring into being — even if it appears totally different!

The last few days of February assist all requiring extra effort to initiate projects or tasks that require taking a transformational stand. Stepping away from the belief they are “too hard/overwhelming” to do so.

Allowing completion of your old life and listening to the call of new pathways and beginnings. To me in many ways this new moon marks the start of 2020…

…encouraging you to look for stagnant areas in your life. This could be stagnation in your body — especially your lymphatic system as Pisces rules this system of the body — your home, your work, your relationships…

…and to take action which will enable the energy to flow more easily.

Stand back and view your life for any areas that feel stuck, or situations where the same challenge has appeared over and over… and do something totally different.

It Is Your Life, So Choose Its Direction

You are being encouraged to turn off your mental chatter and fully engage with your heart into the unknown.

Trusting your own inner knowing and subtle unfolding, even when it feels strange. Only you can stop you heading in a totally different direction.

A new cycle is starting in your life shifting your awareness, beliefs and perceptions in some way…

…what are you co-creating?

Viewed as successful yet believe there is more to life and you are not fulfilled? Your soul desires you to exercise your free will to change. My experience is if you do not listen, an event will make you do so!

As far as the physical world and whatever is happening, just know it is neither a fortune nor a misfortune. It is guiding you to take responsibility for the reality of your own life and to be fully aware of it.

If you think the job or profession you are in or have created is not going to be impacted by the transformation underway, then watch this short video. In it the successful entrepreneur Daniel Priestley overviews the impact of the Transformative 2020s.

All taking us another step nearer the late March/early April conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. So beginning a new 12 year cycle — its focus being the work and dedication that it takes to bring to LIGHT the deepest desires of your heart and soul.

Which reminds me of this essential Ray Kroc advice:

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing, success will be yours.”

Connect To Your Inner Knowing

28th February offers us all the opportunity to experientially learn more about what power is and is not. In particular how to stand in it in any relationship — personal or professional. Helping to create the third party in any relationship, the relationship itself.

Altering the focus from what/who externally is making you feel the way you do. Instead reminding you of the opportunity to reach internally for more self-possession and presence.

March is a 7 Universal month, meaning your connection to Spirit is at its core. 2020 as a whole is asking you to build the structures of the life you choose. This will enable you to be focused and determined on creating it. The focus for March is to build your connection to the Creator and your support team.

6th March Uranus moves permanently into Taurus until 2026. Its call is to remake our relationship to/governance and systems of money, finance and access/right to both, human rights (particularly for women), climate, Mother Earth, and beauty. In all something totally different.

This will unfold in sudden, unpredictable, extreme ups and downs of everything governed by Taurus — money, finance, goods, services, food, resources, and everything environmental.

9th March Mercury goes direct, though the shadow period lasts for another two weeks. This “also happens” to be 10 hours after the full moon in Virgo has risen.

Virgo governs health and healing and in this full moon, Neptune will be almost exactly conjunct the Sun. Suggesting there is still some re-visioning to do…

…it provides some space to shine a light on what you have underway, though do not expect to fully comprehend the impact or wider context of those tasks.

It is also reminding you to take care of your immune system and ensure you are well hydrated.

This full moon will be the first of three supermoons in 2020 — the other two follow in April and May.

Create Harmony In Your Life

A recent Message From Source provided this guidance on the process of creativity:

Now is the moment to breath your deepest desires into Creation. These can never sit alone in the mind, they must be laid out for Creation to connect to and expand on what each of you initiates. This has always been the message, though all too often not heard or acted on…

Allowing space of course for Creation to bring its own influence to bear. No-one has yet to complain!

The creative process is one about which much has been written and said. Though the truth is that it is a collaborative process. The greater is the openness to collaboration then the more expansive can be the creation. It needs your participation to move it from the ethereal into your physical existence.”

To Create Harmony In Your Life


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.



Gregory Reece-Smith
Gregory Reece-Smith

Written by Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.

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