Have You The OPPORTUNITY To Create Your Dreams?

Identify what is stopping you from accelerating your life

Gregory Reece-Smith


Your Opportunity To Dream — Jaime Handley, Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why so much “wishing” rather than opportunity is woven into the fabric of our society?

We are encouraged to make a wish when we blow out the candles on our birthday cake.

To wish you a good weekend or holiday

And also to make a wish when you toss coins into a wishing well or fountain.

Perhaps you learnt to make a wish when you see the first star of the night?

How many other actions have you linked to making a wish?

At first glance, this tradition seems harmless, even charming.

After all, they encourage us to pause and focus for a moment on our dreams.

These beliefs also have a subtle, limiting effect…

…they are unconsciously training us to believe our opportunity and fate are subject to the whim of “something other than ourselves”.

When, actually the power to deliberately, consciously, and predictably create any dream is already within you!

You can turn any dream into how you live your life.

No matter how big or how small, your dreams are essential to enjoying this life.

They appear because they are the way the Creator has chosen to express itself through you.

Opportunity To Create Your Dreams

Only you have the opportunity to create these dreams.

Should you choose to not take the opportunity, it will pass you by.

My intent is to provide you with the opportunity to identify what is stopping you from accelerating your life and establishing it as you desire.

So how do you begin to accelerate your life?

Once you have Taken Stock of where you are, apply the Opportunity step in my TOWARDS process.

There are five different ways to enable you to realise your Opportunity:

1. Find Your Peace And Quiet

When we are busy, opportunities are highly likely to pass us by. Without the space to observe we cannot recognise an opportunity when it appears.

Prayer, meditation, intention setting will all assist in attracting wonderful opportunities. Such activity creates focus in your mind as to your desires.

2. Open Your Eyes And Ears

When observing the world around us we are open to the ideas and insights that could lead to new opportunities. Even more important than eyes and ears, keep your mind open. Many opportunities are missed because they do not fit into our pre-existing paradigms.

3. Step Through Your Fear

One of the biggest reasons extraordinary opportunities are missed is because we are too afraid to leap. Listen to your quiet inner voice and allow your creative juices flow — the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgi once said:

“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”

The more creative you are, the more opportunity you will discover. View the world in a different way, do things differently and watch the opportunities you attract.

4. Take Risks

As the old saying goes, “nothing risked, nothing gained.” Unless you take a chance and do something new, you will step beyond the same old opportunities.

Stand up for what you believe in and show everyone, especially yourself, you are prepared to take risks to achieve your desires and you will achieve them.

You have to physically put yourself in the situation where you can generate new opportunities. Then take action to make them happen.

5. No Rules, No Perfect Answers

Remember there are no rules in life. Do it your way, create your own outcomes, mix them up and have fun.

Do not be distracted by thinking everyone else knows exactly how to make the most of any opportunity. Especially do not follow your thought their ideas are better than yours, they know what they are doing.

Yes, each of us is unique with our own abilities, gifts and skills. Make use of them by starting now, whatever it is you want to do, just start it. Every endeavour needs to be initiated, nothing exists until then.

When you connect with people make it personal. Give them a good reason to listen to you.

Once you complete all five ways you will have opened yourself to the opportunity of personal transformation.

Daily Action:

Recall what you really enjoyed as a child. What has made you happy and then think about what really gives you joy now? Address how to bring that joy into your life.

For many this entails closing the book on their life to this moment.

This is not about ending a chapter, it is finishing one book in order to start a new one. It therefore covers all aspects of your life: the country where you live, your home, career, relationships.

To do so state aloud:

“I thank you Source/Spirit/God for all I have learnt so far in this life. I thank you for all the lessons you have provided for me to learn and for the people and places I have connected to.

I now close the book on that life, all is complete.

I now choose to open a new book of my life from this moment. Thank you.”

Want more insights? Here is my story outlining the seven steps of my TOWARDS process:

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

My post about being Willing to change outlines the steps to take once you have identified your Opportunity .

To Living Your Life of Opportunity


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

This story was originally published on shamanicceo.com.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.