Is It Fear Of The Corona Virus Or Toward Your Excitement?
What you choose directs your outcome
Over the past weeks I have been asked many times for my understanding of the current virus and the fear surrounding it. In particular the sense of panic it seems to have created.
This article summarises my view of the situation as well as what I believe are pertinent facts. Some suggestions to strengthen your immune system are also included.
The Mind Body Connection
Many seem to have allowed themselves to be swayed by social, family or media pressure, group thinking or short-term gain. Being caught in the energy of fear rather than their own values and what we intuitively know to be true.
Fear affects our physical wellbeing because it creates a back door for illness to take hold. Negative beliefs and emotions weaken our immune system and lower our body´s defences.
It was becoming aware of this that inspired me to write The Seven Secrets To Living in Harmony. As author Ed Hendrix wrote in a recent review:
“I must first say that I am glad I bought this book. I have to PERSONALLY attest to the truth of what the author writes about. The mind/body connection is very real and what we choose to think about, good or bad, will WITHOUT A DOUBT, manifest itself in our bodies.”
Self-awareness and resources to manage our feelings are therefore extremely important for our physical health as well as our emotional and mental wellbeing.
Only when there is no conflict between the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies can we be free of pain and dis-comfort. Be energised by all life offers us.
As we know from Eckhart Tolle and other spiritual teachers true power lies in the Now. When we dwell on past regrets and perceived sleights or anticipate possible future calamities we leave that still, point of balance at our centre.
Only here are we connected to Spirit and our higher wisdom.
Though exercise and diet are very important to our wellbeing, they are not the only aspects which influence our health. Our mindset, beliefs and ability to observe, manage and accept our feelings influence our resilience.
Our Body And Its Viruses
The macrocosm of Mother Earth is mirrored in the microcosm of our human body.
For it contains trillions of micro-organisms — your microbiome. Viruses form an integral part of your microbiome, along with the bacteria and fungi in your body. Together they contain 99 times more genetic material than found in your own cells and outnumber human cells by 10 to 1.
The more diverse is our entire microbiome, the healthier we are and the stronger our immune system. Which is why as the owner of a health food store my wife recommended customers taking antibiotics to also take live natural yogurt.
The purpose being to replenish the microbiome with the bacteria killed by the antibiotics. Re-creating the body´s natural conditions to eliminate the fertile terrain on which viruses are able to spread.
When our immune system is compromised, there is no harmony between our body and the viruses and microbes it contains. This is when the body expresses dis-ease, pain and dis-comfort.
There are so many factors that weaken our immune system. Stress, the main one; poor nourishment; lack of sleep; pharmaceutical medication; toxicity; repressed emotions, as well as inner conflict between our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.
Dis-ease, pain and dis-comfort should not be viewed as villains, or something to be rid of. Rather they are messages there is a lack of harmony within us. Only our usual response is to suppress the message rather than listen to it!
Once you have accepted there is a message, your consciousness is no longer focused on killing, or warding off ´dark and evil viruses´. Instead focus on creating the inner harmony, being present. With no fear present, your body’s natural immunity is vibrantly strong.
Each of us has the same Divine Blueprint for Perfect Health and Wellbeing encoded within us.
The Divine Blueprint For Perfect Health
The body is therefore designed to heal itself as well as thrive. Only all too often our beliefs, habits and patterns of behaviour stand in our way! Switching off parts of our Divine Blueprint as a result.
The solution to building your immunity and maintaining homeostatic balance is to accept YOU alone are responsible for your health and wellbeing. Ideally doing so in conjunction with Mother Earth.
To assist you on 9th March the full moon in Virgo rises. Virgo governs health and healing. It is also a reminder to take care of your immune system and ensure you are well hydrated.
Virgo also focuses on bringing the practices of quality, purity and accuracy back into our culture so ‘holistic health’ is restored!
Which is not quite the purpose of quarantine, building walls and barriers to dis-connect people. Whilst understandable measures, they ignore how Nature works.
As Sandra Ingerman recently put it:
“For me there is one essential teaching. I believe we must build a strong relationship with the land we live on, the ancestral spirits protecting the land, earth, air, water, and fire. If we establish a strong relationship with them as kin then we can communicate with each other and negotiate with them as they love us for honoring them.”
An example of the systems in play was explained in a scientific paper published in 2018 in The ISME Journal: “Every day, more than 800 million viruses are deposited per square metre” of Mother Earth. The bacteria and viruses are sucked into the atmosphere in small particles from soil-dust and sea spray.
Rain and dust storms bring them back to Earth wherever they had been blown to.
Fear Creates Collaboration Or Separation?
This process is one way in which Mother Earth continues to evolve and adapt. She is a diverse ‘family’ of plants, animals, and planetary microbiome all living in harmonic balance helping maintain a thriving biosphere.
In this bacteria, fungi and viruses play essential roles.
How do these fit within the theme for 2020 of bringing “into being new structures of society and effecting a culture shift”?
And Uranus´ move into Taurus until 2026 calling for us “to remake our relationship to/governance and systems of money, finance and access/right to both, human rights (particularly for women), climate, Mother Earth, and beauty”?
In addition to the obvious cross references, there is also a theme of collaboration replacing separation. The theme of this Aquarian age is to recognise we are all connected not separate!
Which does not seem to align with the current disruption to global supply chains, travel, sports events, no physical contact etc.? Suggesting further retreat from connection and collaboration not its extension.
…all governed by Taurus — money, finance, goods, services, food, resources, and everything environmental, will adapt in sudden, unpredictable, extreme ups and downs. The need to break down in order to re-build.
The theme will unfold no matter how much resistance there is to releasing our preference for the existing comfort zone. The only one we have experienced.
Fear is what holds us in this collective unconscious. A mirror reflection of which is the economy. Fear and a sense of lack encourages people to hold on to their resources such as money.
We experienced the biggest economic downturn in many decades when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 — there are another 4 years before it leaves.
What To Re-Build?
2020and the next few are going to be a major roller coaster ride as the re-structuring to achieve the themes is initiated. Whether by our own conscious actions or thrust upon us by Mother Earth herself.
As we enter this phase the corona virus appears. The message being conveyed is that a wall of protection must be built around each of us because there is something more powerful than you. Which implies you are weak, vulnerable, and so need somebody or something to protect you.
Which reminds me of this Chinese proverb:
“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.”
By way of a reality check, what follows is a summary of my geeky investigation into the novel coronavirus, now called SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19. I have deliberately excluded reference to the many other virus epidemics of this century.
Virus Facts and Fear
- A report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other groups published December 2019 in The Lancet indicates seasonal influenza annually kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide.
- It is estimated that between 70% and 85% of seasonal influenza related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older.
- On average, seasonal influenza strains kill about 0.1% of people who become infected. The 1918 pandemic had an unusually high fatality rate, around 2%. It infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide — about one-third of the planet’s population — with an estimated 20 to 50 million dying.
- On 5th March WHO´s Director General stated: “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”
- Both the coronavirus and influenza are most dangerous to people who have compromised immune-systems. In particular those older than 65, have pre-existing immune or lung dis-eases. Patients above 80 years of age had a fatality rate of over 14% and those in their 70s one of 8%.
- In China the death rate among men infected with the coronavirus, particularly those in their late 40s and older, has exceeded those among women. This is not a pattern seen in the seasonal influenza infections.
- Influenza appears far more dangerous to children, particularly very young. Children infected with the new coronavirus tend to have only mild or no symptoms.
- Unlike influenza it seems women who are pregnant or just given birth are not at risk from the coronavirus.
- A final comment from WHO´s Director General: “COVID-19 spreads less efficiently than flu, transmission does not appear to be driven by people who are not sick, it causes more severe illness than flu.”
Questions To Ponder
Considering these facts, ask yourself these questions…
…are you being influenced by fear, preferring the comfort zone you have experienced and so need someone to protect you? Or…
…are you someone who stands in the power of themselves, embracing the excitement of creating a new structure based on the feminine energies of collaboration and connection?
Then add we know we create what we focus on. Which do you choose?
Three Suggestions To Boost Your Immune System
My suggestions to help boost your immune system are:
- Relax — Stress is one of the major factors that weaken the immune system.
Follow a daily practice which creates calmness: meditation, a walk in Nature, yoga, tai chi, singing dancing, reading, painting, watching the sunrise and sunset.
Controlling your breathing is one of the most effective ways to induce relaxation. It forces the mind onto a different path. Take five deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth; longer on the out than in breath.
- Sleep — Its lack is probably the major cause of dis-ease. There is a belief there is so much ‘to do’ we deny ourselves this most important health creating opportunity.
Sleep not only gives the body the opportunity to restore and build its own vibrancy, it is also the period the soul ‘integrates and evolves’. Whilst asleep the soul ‘travels’ multi-dimensionally to assimilate the experiences of the day and incorporate the wisdoms learnt into the coming solar day. Reducing your hours of sleep actually ‘keeps you asleep’ spiritually.
- Connection — being human is to be social. This is true both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Be grateful for the opportunity this life is providing for your soul to evolve through your experiences. Focus on what gives you joy — a higher vibration than love.
Three More Suggestions
- Plant Medicine — To quote Rudolf Steiner: “For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.” Plants have been used by different peoples throughout human evolution for healing, health and wellbeing. They have been revered as sentient beings, that are alive and living on purpose. They are part of the web of life.
Dr Bach, discoverer of the Bach remedies, maintained that ‘health depends on being in harmony with our souls’. When grounded and at peace our immune system acts like a shield. When caught in the fear of our stories, dramas and resistance, we become vulnerable. One of the most natural ways to access the healing power of a plant is through an essence.
- Nourish — your body, mind and soul. Which means not just nourishing food and water. Relaxation, connection, joy, laughter also nourish, as is being in Nature. This is where you can connect to the ancient wisdom of the natural realms. Absorbing the spirit medicine of Mother Earth.
Being in the Sun nourishes your cells. Watching the Moon nourishes your creativity and feeling of belonging. Both boost your immune system.
- Find Peace — back to the opening comments about the importance of being in the Now! When we are still, at the point of balance at our centre we are connected to Spirit and our higher wisdom. Fear is not present.
Here there is no inner conflict between our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. Our immune system then has no distraction from focusing on any pathogens that appear.
Your Choice Directs The Outcome
Our thoughts attract our reality. My challenge to you is do you choose to follow fear or excitement. They are different sides of the same coin, though with different outcomes.
We live in in an exciting phase, which means it will be turbulent. The NOW of the 21st century is revealing the secrets the ancients knew about spiritual growth and healing. These you can access.
Your choice as to which to Be will influence the form of the next phase in Mother Earth´s evolution and so humanity´s.
The exact form is to be determined by our actions. The only master plan is our own.
To You Living In Harmony
Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.
To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.