Now Be The True You
Have you felt recently a hunger to know the truth, to be the true you? The full moon on 17th June will help you voice your beliefs, especially those connected to your soul´s mission.
Ready To Unveil Your Truth?
It takes place at a powerful location in the heavens — pointing directly at the Galactic Centre at the centre of the Milky Way. This full moon in Sagittarius unleashes its powerful magic…
…the point of creation! Sagittarius represents our quest for truth. 21 is the number of truth and joy and this is the 21st century. Sagittarius creates peace of mind for each of us due to the wisdom we receive.
Knowing our truth sets us free to feel joy — which according to David Hawkins´ scale of consciousness vibrates higher than love.
The Galactic Centre is a black hole, an energy vortex, the womb of creation. View it is our “physical connection” to Spirit. When aligned with the Centre, its particles accelerate the unlocking of your unconscious mind. Urging you to release the beliefs restraining your soul from completing its mission.
This extraordinary full moon helps you unveil your truth to yourself. It will enable you to be more deeply in touch with what matters to you — even if hidden until now.
To act from integrity, being authentic with yourself, and to know you are ready and able to handle it. You will be able to thrive as a consequence of this wisdom, this awareness. Coming from your inner knowing, your optimism and faith will be enhanced as the solutions you seek accelerate your success.
My question to you is did you use the previous two weeks to set your dreams and ideas into motion and so creation? Have you allowed yourself to be guided toward new and exciting experiences? Or, have you held onto your established beliefs, even though you know they no longer serve you or are past their sell by date?
This is as true for humanity as a whole as each of us individually.
Ready To Embrace Your Dreams?
The June full moon is the last moon phase of the current eclipse cycle, which began with the solar eclipse on 5th January. For many reasons this is a full moon to make your long term dreams come true — are you ready to embrace them?
We are on the cusp of a new cycle so Jupiter is currently retrograde to help us internalise our learning. To welcome a wave of downloads from Spirit as conscious evolution is in full force. Use them to discover your truth and connect to your immortal being, your soul.
2020 is the year of perfect vision. So you are being primed to adjust your vision to see and sense clearly. Then you will have a clear view of your potential. And so a purpose for your life, doing what you love to do, the reason you incarnated!
For to quote Eleanor Roosevelt “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
For some weeks the almost constant guidance I receive has been to create freedom for my soul. The purpose is to allow what can be viewed as a new operating system to be established. One which crosses timelines. The practical Earth one and our timeless view of what is possible and will arrive.
Stepping away from our beliefs and having prejudices as to what must arrive — no expectation! This is the “old way” of our beliefs determining what will happen. Which is why many of the tools and practices for manifesting no longer work.
As each of us recognises we are unique so we will move away from the need to belong to certain groups, in all their forms — from our DNA to our society. Rather we will move to connect to our soul family. No longer will there be the belief we must please a certain group to be accepted.
Allowing Co-Creation To Happen?
This full moon is straddled by the two most important planetary aspects of 2019: the expansive Jupiter squares the dreamy Neptune the day before, and the make it happen Saturn sextile Neptune the day after. Both aspects occur three times this year, the closest being at this full moon.
Together they are helping you to give your life meaning. Around this full moon our imaginations will be in full flight. So beware of possible deception, especially self-deception. Usually through the distractions we have created for ourselves.
My suggestion is to connect in places of creativity, such as art galleries, Nature and other quiet places. Focus on your spiritual gifts and expect unusual spiritual experiences to appear. Once you make them real, your financial flow will increase.
The key is for your awareness to be open. Accepting you have available to you unlimited resources, not only those you believe you have at the moment! Be open to non-verbal communication and the power of your imagination.
Follow your intuition, then you will be able to go beyond the horizon of your personal expectation. Instead view yourself as a co-creator with Spirit in the Galactic Centre´s womb of creation.
How much you can rely on yourself either to see those desires clearly or to act on them, will depend on your relationship to your own feminine and masculine energies. Are they in balance or not?
To assist you gain insights from Your Best Self, Your True Self, Your Full Potential Self, here is a link to an mp3 resource — Your Full Potential Self.
Creative and visionary ability is essential to know and implement your soul´s desires. They need to work in harmony with your capacity to be practical, discerning and organised.
How Old Are You?
Focusing on taking small steps each day will help avoid overwhelm. Enabling you to achieve what you seek without being diverted.
When insurmountable hurdles seem to be holding you back from what you want, my suggestion is to observe your beliefs. These subtle, unconscious patterns and beliefs are usually restraining you.
When asked how old are you there may appear to be only one answer to the question. However, each of us is made up of many ages. Stuck in a moment which is contained within your personality, your energy field.
No matter how much emotional processing you have already completed, there will be moments when you respond from an immature part of you. Certainly not as a conscious adult, let alone an eternal spiritual being!
This point of transition is reminding us all of perhaps the most important work in this lifetime — to free ourselves. Every occasion we go back along the road of our life and collect parts that became detached, we uncover more of our truth. As our soul is more complete, so we become more understanding, more resourced, more compassionate and more accepting of our true nature.
My passion is to help you to take action to do so….
…need support to change your story, identify how to use your gifts, accelerate your business, address your relationships and alter the patterns you feel stuck in? I invite you to email me by clicking on the Contact tab to explore possibilities.
Seeing The Truth Of The True You
Or a moment for you to Quest perhaps? Shamanics in Portugal´s 2019 Vision Quest is planned for 20th to 23rd September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying on the morning of 20th September, followed in the afternoon by assembly ready for the Vision Quest.
A full list of events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site.
A word of caution, the energy of the full moon could encourage impulsiveness. Yes be spontaneous, though guided by your intuition and truth rather than impulse! If for a long period you have not been excited, inspired or even optimistic about something, take a moment to pause.
18th June is ideally a day for rest ahead of an intense boost on the 19th to help us move something forward. Possibly that which previously seemed too hard or challenging to address.
Two days later comes the solstice, which are activations of the Galactic Centre. This 21st though also has Neptune going retrograde until 27th November and the Sun moving into Cancer.
Neptune joins Saturn and Jupiter as retrograde. Whatever actions you take now will reflect in the “final outcome” of these transits in the last part of 2019.
The inward reflection of the retrograde makes this an exceptional moment for spiritual self-development. Seeing the truth and where we have been in fantasy and illusion. What follows will be clarity, especially as to what is possible.
Making this an ideal period if you offer such a service. Especially for those who have travelled far from their truth, been attracted to other means to help them handle their emotions or had no support to process.
The Sun´s move into Cancer attracts us to connect with and learn about our culture of origin, our family tree and history. It will also be encourage spending time with your family in order to better understand ourselves both as a family and as individuals.
Mercury begins on the 23rd its two week pre-retrograde shadow. This one is in fiery Leo so it could awaken the dormant artist inside you, and/or boost your drive to create!
Next Up The New Moon and Eclipse
June’s alignments are preparing us for the influential eclipse cycle starting on 2nd July with a total solar eclipse. These are a prelude to the Saturn and Pluto conjunction on 12th January 2020 — their previous meeting was 500 years ago!
They are already influencing us to focus on finding our authority, taking a stand, and creating sustainable systems and structures. The new moon on that day rises in Cancer, its impact will last about six months.
To Knowing The True You