Now Is The Moment To Open Your Doorway To Destiny

Aligned with your vision and mission, business success follows

Gregory Reece-Smith
8 min readJun 8, 2020

This full moon eclipse opens for you the doorway to your destiny.

Many of my conversations around the moon in Sagittarius rising on 5th June have had a focus of: “What is your vision?”

The follow on question being: “What do you want to grow into next?”

We are being urged to become more curious, take risks and choose adventure over fear.

Be Honest With Yourself

The events unfolding are calling all to share their gifts in a grander way. Yes to shine their light on injustices, more though to use their privilege for change and to hold those in leadership accountable.

However, to start something new — something more loving and just — we often have to be honest, look at the truth and challenge ourself to acknowledge the old to make room for the new.

Mostly this is not easy. We can resist — even ourselves — keeping us in a quagmire of struggle. Doing so very often helps us gain even deeper clarity. Supporting us in acknowledging all that no longer serves the broader agenda for humanity of acceptance, equity, peace, sustainability and tolerance.

This is a period of great change for humanity. This includes the call for all to be treated equally.

My intention is this eclipse portal finds you courageous enough to be honest with yourself and strong enough to make space to open the doorway to your destiny. Even if you are unsure as to the form it will take.

Change creates stress when we resist what is unfolding. Birthing a new Earth and leaving a legacy for future generations not only takes focus, it can seem a painful process.

Which reminds me of this Louise Hay quote:

“In order to change your life outside, you must change inside. The moment you are willing to change, it is amazing how the universe begins to help you. It brings you what you need.”

She added:

It takes time and effort to learn what we need to learn. Don’t demand instant change. Impatience is only resistance to learning. It means you want the goal without going through the process. Let yourself do it step by step. It will get easier as you go along.“

Push Open The Door To Your Destiny

Know the transformation will be worth it! Step by step, one step at a time is how you will make it through the doorway to your destiny.

The quantum of the change underway is evidenced by these three planetary movements helping move us beyond the tipping point:

  1. The last occasion Saturn was in Aquarius was during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles;
  2. The last occasion Pluto was in Capricorn was during the American War of Independence; and
  3. Neptune was in Pisces when Rome fell.

The pace and spread of events so far this year continues to surprise. The next step is for each of us is to create OUR vision of the New Earth.

Then we will move beyond the tipping point as we open the doorway to our destiny.

In this we are being assisted by this extra long eclipse cycle with three eclipses back to back over four weeks. We are being offered extra space to acknowledge, transform, and grow. Meaning it will also be an extended cycle of challenge and calamity.

In Sagittarius, a full moon reveals something to us about what we believe, how we operate, and how all is subject to change. Other planetary alignments mean it will bring frustration and conflict to a head. Inviting us to heal and transform by seeing new perspectives rather than repeating old stories.

This will assist us to begin to see ourselves as having more in common than we are different. Meaning denial, guilt, and token gestures to create a new human story will no longer suffice. Rather it must be one which unifies and helps us identify with each other.

How would you vision living your life when the overarching cultural paradigm is one of kindness, safety and respect? Valuing each individual as themselves.

To Evolve We…

This powerful lunar eclipse offers us the opportunity to imagine, and initiate creation of new realities. Though pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs. Is there a desire to return to the old normal rather than create the new one?

This four step formula will help you to evolve:

  1. Set out for yourself your priorities;
  2. Identify and write down the values which are most important to you;
  3. Write down what do you stand for?; and
  4. Finally, what is it you want to work toward in the world?

Always start with a clean sheet of paper and no pre-conceptions, especially with regard to previous plans! Once complete you will have clarity as to your motives and “work”, your destiny.

Also pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs. Notice if you are wishing life returns to the “old normal” or if you are expecting a fight. Such thoughts tend to keep us stuck in our old paradigms.

A lunar eclipse helps us speed up the inevitable! This one is asking you to dismantle the story of all your relationships — with yourself and so all of humanity.

This eclipse will further amplify your need for freedom, so you can find happiness and grow to your fullest potential. Unsure of your vision and path to realise it, you will automatically be forced to take a leap of faith.

As this eclipse is happening during Jupiter and Venus retrogrades, it means everything is not what it seems.

Your old beliefs, systems, interest, and values will no longer weigh the same to you. They may no longer even hold the same meaning to attract you. The guidance is only from within you.

Bring Spirit Into Your Life

Do not allow any event, person or distraction overwhelm your ability to recognise it. The more you find space to be in Nature, the easier it will be to connect with your insights as to your destiny.

Until the end of June is one of the best periods in 2020 for taking action. As a Universal one month, June opens a pathway to the new.

The one is begging you to change your behaviour by putting yourself first and invest some energy in what gives you joy. During July you set the wheels in motion.

13th June is when Neptune and Mars join together in Pisces. This is a rare event, only taking place a few occasions in every 200 years or so.

Neptune in Pisces is nudging you to bring Spirit into your life. Pushing you toward activating your visions. On this occasion they combine with Mars, the action taker. Neptune is all about the vision and the dream.

On many occasions our dream remains just that, no action is taken to bring it into creation. The influence of Mars with that of Pisces is to take your imagination and intuition and to bring it into creation. To take risks, knowing your destiny will evolve as you take action.

The number 13 indicates the Divine feminine is in play.

18th June Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer until 12th July. The nature of this retrograde is more positive than most. In particular it offers an increased probability of business success when aligned with your vision and mission.

It also indicates financial growth and enhanced renown/visibility when your communication aligns with your mission and values. This different twist arising from home loving Cancer — being at home to your feelings rather than using them to justify your actions.

Your Destiny Is For New Adventures Ahead

The second eclipse is with the new moon in Cancer on 21st June. This follows the solstice the previous day. It also marks completion of the move in the lunar nodes from the Cancer/Capricorn axis into that of Gemini/Sagittarius.

Typically this marks a shift in our attention and focus. Our beliefs and the means through which they are expressed will become more important. The theme in this movement is that with Gemini, information, and Sagittarius, freedom, we have new adventures ahead.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius are mutable signs, meaning they require flexibility to adapt to new situations. The lunar nodes switch signs every 18 months or so. More about the nodes is in “The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun”.

A partial solar eclipse, the influence of Saturn creates an imbalance between personal freedom and responsibility, between self-expression and restriction.

Particularly as it relates to care-taking and home-making. Whilst it could be completely transformative, do not expect sudden or rapid change or answers.

Rather the change will need tending. It will build on the questions posed at the beginning of this story of: “What you want to do versus what you have to do?” The objective being to find a new balance in your life.

You choose how you want your world to be. Which is why your vision is so essential.

A recent Message From Source provided this guidance on what is evolving:

“What you have initiated…will mark a sea change in the acts of humanity as well as the Earth. Soon even the naysayers will be aware change is underway. This will trigger more reaction as attempts to return to the previous normal are attempted. This will not be possible as events have created a new sense of change must be allowed.

There will also be new awareness of togetherness, the rights for all. No longer just a few. This will mark a new phase in the emergence of the New Earth. One which will bring together greater creative force than has been experienced before on Earth.

It will mark the further crumbling of the old. Yes, the new has yet to emerge, though the actions taken to bring the new into creation have begun. More is yet needed, though sufficient has been initiated for an outline to be in creation. Its edges are as yet fuzzy, though the form is emerging. The greater is the action, then the sooner will the new be initiated.”

Each and every moment can be embraced as a catalyst for guiding the transformation underway. The daily choices each of us makes create greater tangible flow than our senses and will can personally affect.

To Your Destiny


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

This story was originally published on



Gregory Reece-Smith
Gregory Reece-Smith

Written by Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.

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