Choice — Robin Glauser, Unsplash

Our Universe Of Free Will Is No More

Choose your intentions for your new life

Gregory Reece-Smith
10 min readApr 23, 2020


As with so much of what we believed to be our “normal”, our Free Will Universe is no more. During the second week of April guidance was it switched to one of Choice.

You might wonder what is the difference?

Awaken Your Intentions For A New Life!

The answer I received is that Free Will implies no responsibility. Making a Choice means we accept responsibility for the choices we make. No longer can we point a finger at others, the consequences of our actions or inactions are ours alone.

This fundamental change for us all took place as we moved toward the rise of the new moon in Taurus early morning (UTC) on 23rd April.

The influence of this new moon suggests we need to look to uncertainty for safety NOT the apparent certainty of the past.

Yes, you may be another feeling most of your life decisions and direction have been taken out of your hands. However, there is much you can do to with this Taurus lunar energy to fuel your soul.

This is especially so as Taurus is the first Earth sign in the zodiac. Coming straight after the new moon in Libra asking us to take a broad view of our life, Taurus slows us all down.

Its encouragement is to be aware of Nature, the trees and all the beautiful beings living on Mother Earth. We are also being reminded of our bodies, our senses, and our skin. All the beautiful aspects which make us who we are.

As with the last Libra supermoon, Taurus is also ruled by Venus. Meaning both lunations occurring in April 2020 have Venus as their ruling planet. This planet finds the beauty in everything. No matter how much we seek to look elsewhere.

Following her lead may sound quite a challenge at the moment. The world beyond our windows has seemingly never been so difficult to access. However, perhaps this is exactly why the Taurus energy has arrived.

We are all being asked to step away from fear stoked by governments and the media. Rather to learn to harness the slow, steady, committed, devotional energy, created in the presence and stillness Taurus brings.

She is sharing pearls of wisdom on our existence and the diversity of life on Mother Earth, only we need to listen and observe.

The Unexpected Brings A Period Of Evolution

If only life would be as simple as Taurus desires! The great Awakener Uranus has been in Taurus for over a year, not departing until 2026. At this new moon the revolutionary Uranus is only three degrees away, bringing the element of the unexpected.

With this Taurus new moon, that revolutionary spirit is becoming personal.

Uranus has the purpose of shattering paradigms to ensure we stay on our toes. Ready to step in a new direction.

Past transits of Uranus in Taurus have witnessed periods of mass migration or food shortages. Its influence providing the urgency for collective shifts in our priorities.

Hence during the past year the appearance of Earth-based concerns such as climate change and monetary collapse. This underlying sense of survival anxiety and uncertainty in the material world is an opportunity.

Encouraging us to review and evolve in our relationship as to what is really necessary for us to survive and thrive. Choice is also an Earth sign.

The influence of Uranus becomes even more apparent as it meets the Sun on 26th April. This will challenge the concept of self-sufficiency. Re-defining it in ways that access the emerging future, rather than what has passed.

Uranus ultimately offers liberation and will ensure complacency gives way to evolution. This will emerge from the choices we each make. Uranus only acts in our highest good.

These choices will provide you with the opportunity to deepen your trust in yourself. To speak your truth, and liberate yourself from attachments — including how you thought your life would unfold.

We all know current events are going to re-structure our lives. So use this moment to set an intention for your new life. My questions are: “What change will you incite?” “What vision do you see?” “What future do you desire?”

Exercising Your Choice

I am reminded our Souls chose to visit Mother Earth to do one thing. That “thing” is to expand and evolve. Which is achieved through our experiences.

Your purpose is not your work or what you do. Rather it is to fulfil who you chose to be in this lifetime. To add the experiences you chose to live. Only we have the choice as to whether we accept them or not.

Some have taken me more than one event to accept — which was the case with what was once excruciating back pain. Now it is no more.

Many of these experiences originate in other lives or during the 16 previous generations of our ancestral lineage. Others from this life. Often they include the bondage of a consciousness of lack, not being worthy, good enough or being unwilling to receive love.

Each of us has the power to shape our world and so the matrix of this world. We all have a part to play in transforming, aligning and healing Mother Earth by being who you are. This is the moment to make the choice to take responsibility to use your power to shape your own life and so humanity as a whole.

Using your creative power to create an equitable, sustainable world of peace. Or, whatever is your intent.

In choosing not to make a choice you continue to pass your power to others.

You have the choice of setting intentions for this lunar cycle, and then work on them over the moon phases until the full moon in Taurus peaks on 31st October. OR, set them for six months.

Aiming beyond your comfort zone and planning for their fruition when the moon is full in the same sign she started in — 31st October.

5 Ways To Manifest A New Earth

Which just happens to mark the start of Samhain, the most significant of the four quarterly Celtic fire festivals. The moment when the veils between the physical and Spirit worlds are at their thinnest.

Five ways you can manifest a New Earth are:

  • Set Intentions For Your New Earth

Use the Earth energy of Taurus to set intentions to create the nature of your connection with Mother Earth.

Recently I was reminded to ask the Creator and my guides — “what can I do to assist you? On this occasion my suggestion is for you to ask: “how may I assist you Mother Earth?” and “What do you Mother Earth want me to manifest?”

  • Ceremony To Mother Earth

Set up an altar. Create a sacred space in your home, or moment in your day and pray for Mother Earth. Focus your devotion on continuing her healing and transformation.

Why not commit to doing this, every day or until the Scorpio full moon rises on 7th May?

Night Sky During the Corona Virus lockdown

Have you wondered why suddenly you can see a greater array of stars in the night sky? This is the result of less pollution from human activity. Can we maintain this?

  • Re-think What Freedom Means To You

With Uranus such an influence at this new moon, freedom is the focus. Especially when you may currently feel there is not much in your life.

Question: “What is freedom to you?”

  • An abundance of money?
  • An abundance of time?
  • The ability to travel?
  • The ability to reflect, discuss and speak your mind?
  • Excellent health?
  • Living sustainably in joy with spontaneity?

Remember freedom is fluid, it is a feeling and is attainable.

  • Be In Nature

Depending on your circumstances, be in Nature. This can be either real or imaginary.

For the latter indulge your imagination. Draw, dream, talk about your favourite places. Look at photographs and read magazines. Bring such places to life through your conversations, storytelling, and imagination, feeding your senses in this way.

  • Celebrate Your Wellbeing

Transition creates stress. The most effective ways to minimise this are:

  • Eat what your body desires and can process
  • Slow down and enjoy the beauty around you
  • Do what brings you joy and allow yourself to enjoy it.

At the end of each day celebrate the events of the day.

Which reminds me of this quote from John Wooden:

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

The Age Of Aquarius With A Twist

In addition to being the Great Awakener, Uranus represents the new Aquarian age. The Taurus trio together form a loose square to Saturn at 6º of Aquarius. Saturn seeks to exercise control through top-down patriarchal command and control.

So any squeeze you may be feeling is real. For we are laying the foundations of the future we desire to live in. As an Air sign Aquarius is innovative, visionary and revolutionising the current structures of our lives. It knows freedom is essential to effect this transformation.

As the planet of foundations and planning, Saturn wants you to plan the action you are taking to create your future. This may require seclusion so you can think for yourself and make an emotional commitment to a task, project or relationship.

Allowing insights and inspiration to guide you. Knowing and following your own feelings rather than the sequential logic of a plan.

Your guidance is going to come from within, where they now wait for your permission to be released. Often they may appear in terms of somewhere new, someone special, or something wonderful.

Your willingness to take responsibility for your life is directly connected to your inner confidence. Saturn is charging you to take action now to make your future real.

When you have inner confidence you are focused on the present. Not worried about the future or events from the past. This confidence makes it much easier to turn obstacles into opportunities, weaknesses into advantages, and setbacks into breakthroughs.

When life seem uncertain, it is our confidence that usually takes the deepest dive.

Then Pluto Adds Another Twist

Here are three Ps you can use to protect your confidence in times of uncertainty:

  • Be Present. Focus only on the day ahead of you. Then you remain grounded in the now rather than worrying about what might or did happen.
  • Be Positive. When others feel energised after interacting with you, you also feel the same.
  • Be Productive. Measure your progress at the end of the day.

25th April Pluto will station direct, before turning on its heels and kicking into retrograde in Capricorn until 4th October. Pluto focuses on bringing into the light what is hidden in our unconscious. Unveiling our message, truth and secrets.

As on the same day Pluto squares to Mercury, there is a focus on communication. This retrograde will challenge your current thinking and abuses of power/control in communication.

Directing us to look in those directions you have yet to explore, be very open-minded. You are empowering yourself. Also be reflective as Pluto is revealing hidden truths.

Embrace what appears as it will create a new sense of liberation and transformation in your life.

The next day other movements provide excitement in focusing on small details, whilst you observe the lightning bolt of change in your life.

Survival may depend upon growing your muscles of engaging with new technologies. This may include technologies of science, computing, evolved creative thinking or expansion of the mind and spirit.

The Wesak full moon on 7th May is the first positive moon phase for six weeks. It is also the last of this year´s three supermoons. The Scorpio full moon has a spiritual, healing and compassionate influence because of Mercury and Neptune.

The reproductive organs and genes will be sensitive during this full moon.

Bring Opportunity Into Your Life

This moon will help make everyone generally more sympathetic and understanding. It will make you more sensitive and better able to understand your conflicting emotions.

Importantly, this Scorpio moon will help you envisage a rosier future as the turmoil from the current pandemic subsides.

In addition to more working from home, another of the outcomes I expect is more people working less. Further challenging the belief it is essential and noble to work hard and long.

Which suggests what Tara-Nicholle Nelson identifies as The Transformational Consumer, will represent even more of American consumers. Obsessed with being healthy, wealthy and wise they are seeking to transform their lives.

According to Tara-Nicholle:

“When compared against non-Transformational Consumers, Transformational Consumers were anywhere from two to four times as likely to be working on a given HWW (Health Wealth Wellness) goal.”

Your choice is sit and wait for others to direct your life or take responsibility to accelerate it yourself.

A Message From Source

A recent Message From Source provided this guidance on what is evolving:

Many remain more afraid of the unseen wisps than the lives they are living. Soon this will change as what has been initiated unfolds. There is a sense of relief as well as acceptance beginning to appear. The releasing will create a huge groundswell of happiness. Though it will also be touched with regret and anxiety…

Some though are already taking action to create the world they desire. This will become more vital over the coming months. Unless there is a sense of direction created your world may slide in another direction. Which is why the word Choice is now more important than ever before. It reflects the decisions each of you makes. The process of creation will soon become clearer to all involved in such work.

The new may not yet be visible, though know it is already appearing. The old structures will seek to remain, though they will soon crumble.”

To Making Your Choice



Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, shaman and speaker. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

This story was originally published on my site at



Gregory Reece-Smith
Gregory Reece-Smith

Written by Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.

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