Ready To Be Where You Have Never Been Before?
The metal rat brings a new cycle of transformation in our lives
Aquarius says you are free to discover new directions and where you have never been before. We are starting to adjust to, navigate and manifest the new paradigms being created. Exploring the new beginnings, focusing on our future, leaving behind old paradigms.
You are also probably aware these are auspicious times. We are living in the Aquarian age, so are naturally attuned to ALL the positive energies that are available to us. Only we have the power to block or divert them!
Yet To Discover Your Vision For 2020?
The first new moon of 2020 rose on 24th January in Aquarius. It is seeking to connect us with what helps us connect with our future and new possibilities. Though with multiple planets in the “physical limitation” sign of Capricorn and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, we are being pushed. We need to face our truths. Then you can take the wheel and steer in the direction you believe to be the one your soul desires.
Once doing the inner work (or not), you are making the most of the opportunities (or not) 2020 offers. Whilst this new moon brings glimmers of the new, what it is going to demand of us is not yet clear.
Uranus is in Taurus from 2018 through 2026, bringing changes to the ways we operate and understand the world around us. A square between this new moon and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, brings a need to reconcile what we vision, hope for, and dream of. It is requiring us to face the reality of what it takes to change entrenched ways of being.
As our world is shaken not stirred, expect to feel unsettled and uncertain. This is needed in order to discover our strengths and a new way to be. As you become calmer, more at peace so there will be a clearer chance to discover what is ahead for you in 2020.
It is essential you vision the future you want. Feeling sure as to what you desire, not just what you are fighting against and wish to leave behind.
When you are in the void of calm and peace, you will have the chance to discover some strong clues as to what your soul desires to accomplish in this lifetime. Soon will be the moment to put those dreams into action, and without second guessing yourself.
To Discover Ask Yourself….
This decade is for humanity´s third eye to open. Its call though is not just for intuition, it will need knowledge. The discernment of the third eye is based on being aware of the consequences of our actions, no longer reacting without a choice being made.
It is calling spiritual leaders, visionaries to step forward, to no longer hide because of fear of what might happen to them as it had in other lives. To inspire change and growth in others, igniting movement to effect change in many forms.
My question for everyone reading this is — are you waiting for permission or acting? You need to ask questions of yourself. Then make your choice based on what is for the highest good of all — which includes yourself.
Consider these questions:
- What inspires you?
- What contribution to Mother Earth are you here to make?
- What structures in your life are working to support you in your dreams? And which structures are not?
When you do so evaluate by reference to the themes for 2020s. These are: Power; Spiritual Leadership; and Money.
What we see in the news is not the exercise of power. Rather it is seeking to force people and events based on the view of a few. Power is being aligned with our own beliefs and values, not following the dictates of others however comfortable it may seem. That is the victim mode.
By exercising your own power you are using it for the greater good of all. We are accepting each of us is responsible for our own life, however tumultuous we choose to make it! Sensing the message from your solar plexus is one of the best indications as to your way ahead.
To Discover Yourself and Your Limitations
To allow a greater flow of money into your life, love its energy unconditionally. Otherwise you remain in the victim rather than leader space. When you are visible as the spiritual leader you will inspire others to step up.
All of which is designed to stretch our minds. Energising our intellect rather than allowing distractions. That way we will be conscious together.
Very slowly we are being guided to change our way, to change our beliefs, and to create a new reality for ourselves and so the world.
If you become embroiled in the emotions of your story you may not be able to see the new opportunities appearing. To help you make the changes to plant the seeds during this initial part of 2020, please use all the resources in your awareness and in your own emotional support network.
Are you sure all your emotional baggage is yours?
What have you inherited from your family lineage? Much more than your blue eyes or red hair. Usually there are also life themes passed down the generations. As you unpack your karmic luggage you will find creative gifts as well unresolved heartbreak, emotional conditioning and limiting beliefs.
James Van Praagh in his post Guides, Karma, And The Soul quotes Melinda Vail´s description as:
“First, you have to recognize that your spirit lives in a “suitcase.” The body is the container that the spirit chooses to be in on the “earth plane.” Our job is really to unpack the “suitcase” in order to be clear when we get to the other side.”
These beliefs persist over the generations until someone, you, acknowledges those feelings and expresses them.
Does it matter? Not if you are content with the way life is unfolding for you. Wish to change any part of your life and that of your children and the following generations, it is essential.
My passion is to assist you make the choices which create the most of the opportunities of the 2020s.
To Address Your Family´s Inherited Beliefs And Patterns
Recognise any of these patterns in your life?
- Sense of not belonging
- Deep sense of grief stronger than circumstances suggest
- Regularly if not always shutting down emotionally
- Feeling of financial scarcity and anxiety, even when not supported by your bank balance
- Fear of having children
- Sense of something missing in your life.
All of these can be transformed once you choose to no longer be directed by those beliefs and patterns which are not yours.
A recent Message From Source provided this guidance with regard to exercising our own power:
“Be beholden to no-one, especially your own thoughts and judgements. These are the true distractions of your life and how it unfolds. Acknowledge those thoughts for what they are rather than cast iron direction. Soon new means of communication within each of you will be activated. Not by-passing your thoughts, rather allowing you to place them into context. Their prime purpose is still needed.”
The Metal Rat Brings….
The day after the new moon, 25th January heralded the Chinese New Year. According to Chinese astrology, the Rat is the first sign in the zodiac wheel, indicating the start of a fresh cycle and a new wave of energy.
It is also the Creator’s catalyst for independence, success, and growth. Add the element of Metal to the Rat and its energy is enhanced. Increasing the potential and risk, as well as the probability of experiencing life-changing transformations.
The Rat is considered one of the most fortuitous signs in the Chinese zodiac. Those whose plans include buying real estate, starting a business or investing in a long-term project have great chances of success. Though beware, it will require careful planning.
The last year of the Rat was 2008 and the Metal Rat 1960. Both experienced large changes and transformations with global consequences. Shaping the world we view today.
Should you burnout in the midst of this turbulence, you will miss the opportunity to discover success in whatever you desire to achieve. Hence the importance of your health and wellbeing.
Protecting your energy, practising self-care, and creating a grounding routine is going to be vital.
The Firey Full Moon
Early on 9th February the full moon rises. In Leo it is always an interesting lunation as the ruler of the Moon is the Sun and on this occasion it is a Sun-day!
The Aquarius Sun is the only celestial body in the Element Air; the Moon, Mars and Venus provide plenty of Fire! Meaning it could feel a bit suffocating as whilst fire needs air to burn bright, it also consumes the oxygen!
The full moon in Leo suggests fun and a showy, entertaining moment, yet the practicalities dominate. A week later the first Mercury retrograde 2020 begins.
To Be Where You Have Never Been Before
Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organizations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.
To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.