Reality and Truth Are Needed For The 2020s
This last November of the 2010s is about radical transformation — reality and truth are the watch words needed by you in the 2020s. Trust in yourself.
Being the 11th month means November is a gateway into the next level of your soul’s evolution. The purpose is to create alignment within all aspects of your life. Blending your individuality with inspiration and guidance from the Creator.
Re-Connect With Your Passions
Which is why the month has several points of intense psychic activity. These are to provide the insights to assist you plant the seeds for the next decade and beyond. Scorpio is going to uncover your passions. Bringing out what motivates you as opposed to what you think you must do. Doing so is going to expose your deepest beliefs about yourself, and probably only known to your unconscious mind!
11 is the number of truth and light, as well as psychic. All month the Sun and Mercury are going to be in Scorpio. The Sun is the symbol of your consciousness, how you radiate and are visible to the world. Mercury the planet of thoughts and communication, is retrograde until 20th November. It will not leave Scorpio until 9th December.
When Mercury is retrograde what happens is that your mind and thoughts are catching up with the intuitive insights and revelations you have received. Only you have NOT taken action on them. Rather putting aside the emotions, feelings and passions they generated.
This is not the moment for superficial communication. Instead re-connecting your mind, Mercury, with your heart, which is in Scorpio the water sign. The element water represents emotions and they need to be in flow, not constrained by your beliefs. The prime one being fear about something related to ourselves. Such as “not being good enough to….”, “not knowing enough to…..” or “it is not the right time to…”
Only in this way will you be able to move through the inner conflict between those parts of you moving forward and those reluctant to do so. Meaning not communicating and sharing your light with the world in a way that is authentic. Hence the reminder to re-connect with your passions to live your truth.
This Lifehack article 10 Reasons Why Following Your Passion In More Important Than Money by Siobhan Harmer, sets out why so many stray down a path that does not align with their soul and so live their truth.
Ready To Accelerate Your Life?
It is from these passions you will be able to create your new paradigm for the next decade and beyond. To succeed will need transformation, reality and your truth. These last days of 2019 are to help you let the old, outmoded ways of being die and to birth the new possibilities, awareness, and understanding.
My passion is to help you to take action to be free…
11–11 opened the gateway into the next level of your soul’s evolution. It also saw the rare event of Mercury transiting across the Sun. The next time this happens will be 2032!
The transit is about creative expression. Asking you to reflect on how you have been living compared to the new insights you have received. In essence are you living in alignment with your soul or continue to be bound by the patterns that have been keeping you in the shadow? The positive outcomes will flow more easily once Mercury goes direct on the 20th.
The full moon in Taurus rose on 12th November. It offers a feeling of calm before the second consecutive new moon of very active transformation. Expect an increase in your psychic awareness as well as intellectual stimulation.
Taurus rules productivity, self esteem, your values, money, pleasure, security, personal resources and love. This full moon is also a moment for re-adjustment. 12 is the number of the student, learning and exploring creatively, turning creativity into manifestation. Aligning feelings, experiences of self-growth.
Other transits during the full moon mean business dealings stand a greater-than-usual chance of going well. There will be increasing energy and vitality as well as feelings of optimism, opportunity, instinct, emotional strength and courage. Backed by the drive/need to take action, particularly to tackle those aims which have been attracting procrastination.
You will be instilled with the passion of strength to move your dreams and projects forward, and giving you the confidence and determination to do so. Opening the door to greater chances of success for those activities aligned with your soul.
Know What You Know
Transformation, truth, insights and psychic awareness are very often felt in the area of the solar plexus — our power centre, or its lack. The feeling can be from fear or excitement. Often it seems as if only specially gifted or selected people have or can use intuition or access their extra senses. However, every human body comes with its full package of psychic abilities and gifts.
Each and every one of us receives information from sources other than our eyes and ears. Though society has often tried to constrain us from using let alone relying on them.
Just as with all our “usual” senses, the body is the means by which we receive and express communication energetically. Most of this information is received through the back, from the nape of the neck to the tip of the sacrum. This is our receiving station. The nerves collect and pass it to the spinal column to communicate with our brain.
As I have experienced and written about in The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony, the back is also where we hold what we do not want or are afraid to address at the moment. It is here we carry our burdens. Hence the messages of pain and dis-comfort we receive from our back.
One of these messages could be asking you to re-connect with your insights, and to listen to them rather than your logical thoughts. To “Know What You Know” when you know it.
The challenge to use “what you know” was set out for me in some recent guidance: “Almost all will follow experience unless they have taught themselves to listen to their knowing. Despite the lack of evidence or any information to support the action to be taken.”
I will be setting out more of these Messages From Source in coming articles.
Some steps to help you listen to your knowing are:
1. Stop and become mindful of when you dismiss or second guess a feeling or sense of something.
2. Be the observer and note what you feel in your body, feel into it and ask does it have a message for you?
3. When you dismiss or second guess something — connect your dreams/visions/insights to those events. Often when dreaming much of the information we receive is from our soul trying to prompt us into knowing the truth of the situations rather than our conscious lived experiences. The only information which our Lifeguard, our unconscious mind, knows.
4. Start knowing what you know — meaning take action based on its wisdom. That is how you honour what you know.
The more you act on what you know and hold to it, the more your abilities and gifts will flourish.
Step Out And Connect
The period after the full moon has several days offering a boost to your business, to help yourself and others. The focus is to give your attention to what is most important to you. The Scorpio influence being to ensure you will dig deep into your beliefs about wealth, power and resources.
Whilst Mercury goes direct on 20th November, the subsequent two weeks will offer support for efforts to make good any communication challenges created during the retrograde.
The Sun moving into Sagittarius on the 22nd will call us to step out of our shadow and reach out to the larger world. Seeking to connect with something larger than ourselves. This is a precursor to the new moon.
Rising on the 26th in Sagittarius this will be an intense new moon. Bringing chaotic change and upset to effect expansion. Anger, impulsive and rebellious behaviour are to be expected. It will not be easy to undo what happens during this moon phase.
Its purpose? For you to find and acknowledge the truth of what gives your life meaning. Your liver, sacrum, thigh bone, tail bone, hip muscles, hip joint, lumbar vertebra and lumbar muscle will be more sensitive during this new moon.
To Reality and Truth In Your Life
About the author:
Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is also a master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He lives in Central Portugal. Connect with Gregory on LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.
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