Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life
7 min readJun 2, 2020



Relationships And Money Troubles, No Control Of Your Life?

The sacral area guides your feelings and sensations and so a powerful influence in your life

Relationships In Trouble? — Amin Alavi, Unsplash

Trouble in your relationships with others? Feeling your external environment is controlling you? Perhaps you feel repressed from expressing your emotions and desires freely?

Maybe you think of yourself as sexually frigid… or the opposite: struggle with low libido?

Is your life always full of drama as you react to the emotion around you? Do you struggle with compulsive, addictive behaviours?

The Centre of Your Relationships

All of these will be felt in the lower abdomen, exactly four fingers below the navel. Including the lower pelvis, womb and genitals, it is known as the sacral area.

This is formed by the lumbar and sacral nerves that supply the pelvic region and lower limbs. It is associated with the lymphatic system.

The sacral area is a powerful influence in our lives. It is about discovering relationships and exercising control of our external environment.

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana chakra in Sanskrit, represents the second chakra. It relates to emotional and sexual energy in the body and our ability to flow with change — very relevant as we progress through the 2020s!

In Sanskrit, Svadhisthana means “the dwelling place of the self”, though some also say it has another meaning of “take pleasure in”. The chakra is coloured orange and is associated with the element of Water — hence the need to flow with change.

Sacral chakra energy is directly related to, and is nurtured by, that of the root chakrathe next story in this series.

Considered feminine in quality, sacral chakra energy is what gives you the ability to be open with and nurture yourself and others.

When blocked, the sacral chakra can make you feel as though you have no control over your life and are unable to retake hold of the reins. With the result you become unemotional and experience uncertainty, insecurity, and an inability to cope with the changes life brings you.

Controlling Your Relationships

A sure sign the sacral chakra is blocked is when you feel detached and rigid in your routine. A lack of self-esteem or self-worth stemming from such an imbalance can also contribute to finding your relationships unhealthy, and sometimes abusive.

Illnesses that arise in the sacral link to the fear of being controlled by another or of losing control of others, your money, or your authority.

One symptom is pain or dis-comfort in the hips. They represent decision making, particularly having flexibility to move forward. Also, as the hips are designed to carry the body in perfect balance, any message of dis-comfort from your hips indicates: “there is imbalance in your life.”

The left hip indicating issues relating to connection and intimacy, sexual and not. The right hip suggests inner conflicts about how to connect and fit into your world.

A lack of harmony in the sacral is likely to manifest in physical problems associated with the fluids flowing through the body. These include: cystitis, constipation, muscle cramps and spasms, menstrual problems, insufficient lactation, lack of energy, allergies and irritable bowel syndrome.

Susanne´s Sacral

Susanne had been suffering for over a year with a sharp stabbing pain on her right side, just below the line of the belly button. She had been taking a digestive aid for some time, which helped, though the pain had not gone away and she learned to cope with it.

We discovered the issue she had been carrying in her right side was a deep-rooted message to choose to be loyal to herself, her values, and beliefs rather than adopt those of others.

In pursuit of perceived safety, money, and status, she had been compromising herself. Though she had established and grown her business, it was not generating enough profit to pay off her credit card, her income tax and other debts.

Susanne was experiencing a conflict within herself. Her mind wanted her to take certain actions, yet another aspect had different motivations. These two aspects were pulling in different directions.

Once in harmony, we could then address a linked belief that was constricting her throat — that is, not speaking her truth. She said it would take time to adjust because “being loyal to myself means doing things a lot differently than how I’ve been taught.”

A few weeks later, Susanne emailed to say she had received a refund from the IRS she knew nothing about and so started to reduce the debt. A few months later, she had increased her income, had sufficient monthly surplus to reduce her debts, and allocated every Friday as space for herself.

Which is why Secret #2 answers the question: “What is p*ssing me off?”

To better understand the message your sacral is sending you, I have placed on YouTube a short video about Secret #2 — ready to relate?

There you will also find an offer to download a FREE Copy of Secret #2 from my The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony”.

Susanne is an example of how everyone´s health is very dependent on unconscious memories and information. From the moment of conception our unconscious, our Lifeguard starts recording everything that goes on in our world. It does not differentiate between the good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, toxic or beneficial. If it did then it would not be able to complete its prime directive of guarding us.

Rather all this information goes into building who we are. Unfortunately most is not true, it is just an interpretation.

Associated with the realm of emotions, the sacral chakra is the centre of our feelings and sensations. Particularly with regard to our sexuality and the expression of our sensual and sexual desires.

When an overactive sacral combines with a similar root chakra, it is extremely hard to accept rejection. Instead becoming too overly attached to other people, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.

You can learn more about the internal relationships in my story Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?

And Then There is Money

Do you become sad or angry at the notion of money? Or are creative ideas hard to come by?

These signal an imbalance or blockage in the sacral chakra, which is where we process our emotions around money. Why?

Because, it blocks the flow of creativity. The sacral chakra is where creative energy is processed and converted into the physical.

Creativity plays a major role in manifesting money, which becomes a hindrance when it comes to receiving money.

When your sacral chakra is balanced, you will naturally be able to seek out the opportunities available in the world around you — since your flow of creativity is unrestrained. Not only that, money will no longer trigger negative emotions in you.

Allow yourself to love yourself for the action taken in listening to the signals your body is sending to help enhance your life!

Messages Your Sacral Chakra Is Out of Balance

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you are likely to have an imbalance in your sacral chakra:

  • Pain and stiffness in your low back and hips
  • Feeling easily overwhelmed emotionally
  • Loss of imagination and no creativity
  • Out of touch with emotions and detached
  • Sexual and reproductive issues

To create harmony in your sacral chakra, connect with water by going for a swim, or taking a soothing bath. Eat orange.foods, wear the colour, dance or move and stretch your hips.

Another way to open the sacral chakra is to burn cleansing aromas such as cardamom, eucalyptus, chamomile, spearmint, patchouli, ylang ylang, rose, or clary sage.

When the sacral chakra is in balance, you radiate warmth and feel playful, desirable, and free to express yourself. There will be an abundance of creativity and pleasure in your life, and be outgoing.

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My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To The Wonderful Relationships In Your Life


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Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.