This Is The Moment To Be The Master Of Your Own Life

The year to know the truth of your self-mastery

Gregory Reece-Smith
9 min readDec 31, 2019

The new moon and solar eclipse on the 26th opened the door to all of us accepting we can be the Master of our Own Life. These and the coming lunar eclipse on 10th January are indicators of the “changing of the guard” underway. Personally, it requires us to stand as our own guards, allowing in only what we want, and keeping out what we do not.

The Master Of Your Own Life

These weeks are encouraging us all to reflect on where we desire to be 15 or 30 years from now. Yes, this is the horizon you need to create, not just for 2020. Include within it who/what you want with you and who/what is going to assist you to achieve it.

This will necessitate eliminating any relationships, activities, objectives and even incomes, which are not supporting your intention! My suggestion is to do this NOW as Saturn will close this cycle on 12th January.

2020 is set to be a most extraordinary year, though perhaps not in the way you might imagine the word extraordinary to create. The purpose is for each of us to be the Master of our own life.

The opportunities that will be more available to you in 2020 are greater than ever before. Many though will NOT be apparent to those constraining themselves in linear, logical thinking.

Rather 2020 will open the gates to what was once considered miraculous becoming commonplace. Only it means we need to accept we all were born with psychic abilities and be open to use them!

We have been preparing for this energy for more than 100 years. Learning about how our perspective and thoughts create our life experiences. Learning to Master ourselves and to work consciously with Source to create a world that is the reflection of the Truth of Who We Are — both individually and collectively. No longer being Who We Think We Are.

2020 is all about exercising this devotion. The objective being for each of us to mindfully live our values through every aspect of our life. Dedication, commitment and exercising self-responsibility will enable each of us to live our life OUR way.

My core value is to have fun and excitement.

The Work Will Call You

Then we will be engaged with manifesting our own dreams and objectives — no-one else´s.

It is a year of stepping up. Leaping in. Rising to the occasion. Of courageously putting one foot in front of the other in the direction of your soul´s desires — even though you may be unsure of the direction. The energies will not allow anyone to hide.

The call to action is for EVERYONE. Meaning no hiding your light or following a direction another has set for you. It is going to be “Out with the old and in with the new”! Growing and expanding. For many this is going to be outside their existing comfort zone and so may seem painful!

The theme for 2020 is building solid foundations. To make them firm for the decades to come it may be necessary to complete more deep cleansing. The work will call you so be sure to listen rather than follow distractions. If you do then….

Only act on what is in total alignment with your soul, your mission, what you are about in the world. Especially in business.

On the 26th I led a Fire Ceremony for ourselves and our guests. The ceremony focuses on letting go what we no longer want and creating what we desire. This is achieved by writing down each on a piece of paper and then placing it in the fire to transform. My advice is to observe if any of the pieces of paper resist going into the fire or burning?

After the ceremony I went to an outbuilding to remove my boots and found one of my pieces on the floor! It was to let go of a belief restricting me from being visible. It has now been burnt!

Master Of Your Own Life, Birth Your New Vision

2020 will bring exceptional change in the structures, values, and natures of our world and YOU. Everyone has an important part to play in creating where humanity will find itself.

In numerology 2020 is a 4 year. The last one was 2011, then nine years before that in 2002, 1993, 1984, 1975, 1966 etc… Can you discern any patterns that relate to a Universal 4 year vibration for you?

This Universal 4 year has an even more powerful presence in our lives as it marks the ending of three major planetary cycles for Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Meaning 2020 begins new 30, 12 and 20 year cycles heading toward 2040.

The number 4 in numerology is all about structure, foundations, dedication and planning. Accepting your soul´s mission. Being honest about what is the focus of your life. Focusing on what serves YOU rather than following what you view as the direction of others.

The vibration of 4 will make 2020 a year of dedicated work. Being serious about the plan for your life, where you devote your effort, energy, resources and commitment!

It is the solar plexus which drives our passions, ignites the flame of our courage and propels us to take action in realise our dreams. Which means if there is conflict between the different aspects of yourself, it will probably be felt in the solar plexus.

All the experiences over the last couple of decades have been preparing you for this moment — the step into the next 20 years toward Universal Humanity. A new vision for Mother Earth will be birthed.

The number 4 is also the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, hence its association with karma. Indicating there will be some for each of us to clear in 2020.

Listen To Your Guidance, Then Choose

As the year of devotion, 2020 is about creating your action plan of How, When and Why you do what you do… AND actually doing it.

The number 4 has a way of bringing Spirit into physical reality.

The choice for each of us is to remain distracted and miss another message or use our abilities and gifts. So allowing ourselves to receive another important piece of guidance, hint, shortcut or comforting insight that is specifically for you.

The seeds which germinate in 2020 will be determined by this choice. Focus to excess on the vibration of 4, you may find yourself stuck inside four walls of your own self-imposed box of logic.

Which means allowing your plan to adapt rather than seeking to follow it whatever events appear. Certainly not restricting yourself by too much detail.

Rather being flexible and listening to guidance, observing the symbols, the messages. Remember your plan is a GUIDE not a task master forcing you to follow a narrow pathway.

Do your actions and language have a tendency to repeat negative, pessimistic, sarcastic, downtrodden thoughts? Supporting them with the dense emotion of the victim? Then the effects of such conflicts will FLARE up faster than before and with greater intensity.

2020 is a pivotal point for reflection on the pain and suffering and hardships over the past two decades. It is also the catalyst of inspired vision and action taking to build the foundations for the next 20 years.

To really Master this it is necessary to understand the six phases each of us goes through as part of our training to be our Master of Creating. As we become aware of and experience each phase so we create a more aligned life for ourselves, and build a more enjoyable world for all!

Six Phases To Be Our Own Master Of Creating

The phases apply to both our business and personal lives. Each phase represents how we view our world as we continue to craft our creative Mastery:

  • One: I am a victim of the actions of others and have no control over my life and what happens to me.
  • Two: I can survive the experience of my life.
  • Three: I influence my life through my actions and attitude.
  • Four: I create my own world through my thoughts and feelings.
  • Five: Together we are all co-creating our collective world.
  • Six: All is created through me. I am aligned, trust, serve and connect completely to Source to facilitate this.

Explore which phase you are in and how you can deepen your connection to Source and the joy of being the Master of Who You Are.

The 6 phases can be adapted to help accelerate your business. In particular to help identify your ideal client as they are likely to be those in the phase you have just left.

Should your personal narrative not be telling the TRUE story of Who You Are, allocate space to become the Master of your personal narrative. First identify what to release, heal, align or bring to your awareness for you to live your authentic life. Then write a better story about yourself.

The key to this is set out in the 4 Steps to Self-Mastery by Richard Gabriel of the Chopra Center:

“The first step is to become conscious of who you are and then you can master the gifts and talents that you have. Like your spiritual practice, the path of Self-Mastery unfolds throughout your life. It is an internal and self-directed journey, whose progress only you can determine.”

My passion is to assist you access the opportunities of the 2020s.

So consider what YOUR seeds for 2020 and beyond may be? Once complete, vision how they sprout, grow, flower and bring forth your heart´s desires over the next decade.

The First Steps

January is a 5 Universal month. It awakens within each of us joy, adventure, your inner seeker and wonderful connections with others. Its focus is freedom, encouraging us all to rely on our intuition. Seeing new approaches where none existed before, resetting old paradigms.

It is also a month for decision making. Facing a new beginning we need to be quick on our feet. Especially as we must be willing to express our truth, to speak it.

This overview was provided in a recent Message From Source:

“It is the interaction between the creative desires each of us seeks which creates events. How you then adjust to those events is likely to adapt your own path. This is after all the fun of evolution. Each step creates the possibility to make further ones. Each being a voyage of discovery. This is how evolution occurs. If life was other than this then would it not become tedious?”

Because of other planetary influences the effect of this partial solar eclipse will last about six months. By way of a boost, there is a powerful second eclipse on 10th January. The power of this full moon eclipse is evident in the sun being at 20º Capricorn, the moon at 20º Cancer, we have just entered 2020 and Mercury conjunct the sun is also at 20º.

Its theme is to create harmony in your life. To do so means being aware of the abilities and gifts you brought into this life. Because when you use such talents you are engaged joyfully in life, that is when energy flows. Followed by the major 12th January planetary alignment. Its purpose is to ensure all voices are heard and participate in the awakening and awareness which is unfolding.

2020 is the year that will change everything you once knew as you set out to build an entirely “new being”. One that is your authentic self, built on being Master of our own life.

To Being The Master Of Our Own Life


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organizations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.



Gregory Reece-Smith
Gregory Reece-Smith

Written by Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.

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