You Are Free To Choose Your Own Life Or Allow Others To Still Direct It
Have the courage to listen to your guidance
When you accept you are free to choose your own actions then the more incredible, fulfilling and abundant will be 2020. It is one of the most radically life-changing years you will experience in this life.
You Are Free To Choose
Two weeks ago we had the new moon eclipse. Its purpose to awaken us, to open the door to life changing beginnings as we left 2019 and the last decade. This eclipse portal closed with the full moon eclipse on 10th January.
During the portal you may have noticed something stirring in your consciousness that has been eclipsed or hidden. Especially an awareness of your intuitive abilities, gifts and skills. The ones you have been hiding from view. The whole year will be an awakening as to the experiences gained in other lives, though held in our shadow.
Sometimes what is held in your shadow is your power. Capricorn, the influencer of 2020, is very much associated with your power and status, your ambition. Hidden away in your shadow means you will not be able to shine your light, for these to be visible.
Being invisible means the opportunities of this year will then pass you by. Despite the push the Great Awakener, Uranus, has made by going direct just before the eclipse. The push being to remember our soul is seeking to be free of all constraints.
Uranus is in Taurus until 2025. Expect a shift in the themes of Taurus — your core values and financial flow, as well as security, serenity, beauty and pleasure.
Each of us then has the choice as to whether we choose to replace the old narrative which is creating bodily stress with its opposite. When you allow yourself to observe your thoughts and words, then you have the space to create transformation. You do this by claiming the opposite to what you observed yourself thinking or saying.
Free To Choose Your Own Lifestyle
Then you can fill the space you have created with your own desires. When you do, always state it in an answer which is in your highest good. This opens the door to opportunities outside your awareness.
Uranus desires to set you free. Creating an internal shift that releases old paradigms, those old beliefs and constraints in your mind. It is also reminding you that thinking does not come before being, so freeing your imagination.
This full moon lunar eclipse is in nurturing Cancer. Meaning allowing yourself to be sensitive about nurturing yourself as well as others. Bringing your awareness to every aspect of your life where nurturing and harmony has been eclipsed. The balance of work and enjoying life — self-care versus how you focus on nurturing others.
You will now have the freedom to express who you are, to take action to step out, to be visible as that being you are. Be free to choose to lead the lifestyle of your choice. To be the Master of your own life.
Accepting each of us is the Creator of our life and so our world. When you do not accept it you pass your power of your own creation and so life to others. How you define that energy determines your life, your world. Each of us is free to choose whether or not we accept we alone are responsible for our lives.
When you know you are in control of your own world, there is no reaction to the actions and words of others. Harmony is always sought by nature, which is why being in nature is so important. Just observe the impact of increasing dis-connection! The actions we take now have the ability to create harmony for humanity within the next two years. Only we need to ACT.
Be Free To Choose Your Own Lifestyle
The more we state there is imbalance then that is what is created. As is the case when we say we are not complete in any aspect of our life. The classics are: “I do not have the money to…”; “I cannot find love”; “I do not have enough to…”; “I work very hard”.
Instead define yourself as: “I am complete in…”.
When consciousness combines then energy shifts. Making such an alteration will not only shift the energy. When there is no longer a conflict created by saying what you want and yet then stating what you do not have, bodily stress will disappear. Reducing inflammation and so dis-ease.
Desire more money in 2020, then love money unconditionally.
Love is your imagination being set free to explore joy in any relationship, not to be dependent on any other person for it. It is already within you, not outside of you.
The power of this full moon eclipse is evident in the sun being at 20º Capricorn, the moon at 20º Cancer, we have just entered 2020 and Mercury conjunct the sun is also at 20º.
Capricorn is the influencer of 2020. Its purpose to break down the systems that have made us believe we no longer have any reason to trust our intuition and connection to the Creator. Rather to trust our inner knowing, that gut feeling.
Capricorn is the sign associated with government, authority, and the structures of our life.
Foundations will be tested. There will be an inevitable breakdown and rebuilding of many of our society’s structures as well as your own life.
The world as you view it now will never look the same. The effect of these celestial events might not be immediately visible. Yet know behind the scenes, day by day, it is changing.
Then The New Era Begins
This first week or so of 2020 has brought into my awareness many deeply buried beliefs, emotions and patterns. I know I have not been alone in this. My suggestion is you pay attention to what challenges are appearing — they might be themes which will play out for you throughout 2020.
The outside world is mirroring our own internal need to observe ourselves and any reactions. The events of the year are propelling us into a new era of the history of Earth.
Three powerful cycles involving Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter have begun to shift the structures of our modern-day world — from geopolitics, distribution of resources and wealth, law and order, social structures, personal values, freedom and equality.
Their timeline in 2020 is:
- January — Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn, initiating a new 30+ year cycle;
- April, June and November — Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn, initiating a new 12 year cycle; and finally
- November and December — Jupiter and Saturn moving closer and closer together in the later degrees of Capricorn before finally conjuncting in Aquarius in late December. Initiating a new 20 year cycle toward 2040, as well as a new 200 year cycle through the element Air.
Air is ever moving, it is also connected to the mind, wisdom, spirits and the soul.
The evidence from recorded history is that massive cultural change appeared during the previous such alignments. Acceleration in the rate of change means the impact will be felt more quickly than for our ancestors.
The immediate effect will be to challenge business models which do not reflect the inclusive, equal way of operation. The nature of entrepreneurship is changing. The need for transformational services is increasing and will continue over the years ahead.
This recent article by Madeleine Cuff in GreenBiz indicates 10 key trends from climate change to affect the 2020s. She states:
“ If the 2010s was the decade when businesses started to fully understand the implications climate change could have for their operations, the 2020s is the decade when those risks hit home.”
Have The Courage To Listen To Your Guidance
There is a ruthless quality to January as we set ourselves up for this period. It will require good boundaries, the courage to face the truth, and the discipline to DO IT NOW.
It is vital to be proactive not reactive and to keep your focus on your own objectives, intentions and choices. That said it will require you Being not the distraction of Doing.
Being flexible and listening to guidance, observing the symbols, the messages. Using them to assist in making connection as the basis for your marketing effort.
Which reminds me of this quote from Rumi:
“What you seek is seeking you.”
Which means your ideal clients are seeking you now, though you must be visible as you. You cannot hide. I know as fear of being visible as me, was present for many years. The effect is part of my story in both The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony and Transforming Your Life II.
The impact of Uranus is to awaken us all to not sitting thinking about what we might or want to do. Analysing and thinking about everything is irrelevant to the creative process. The message of these alignments in Capricorn is to trust your intuition.
Success will come to those who have balance in their life. Using their abilities and gifts, their intuition and approaching challenges through their wisdom and competence.
Stretching themselves to go beyond their existing comfort zone. Using their ability to connect rather than rely on memory. Free to choose to explore.
This will lead to opportunities to create a consistent joy, wealth, health and success. However, resisting the epic shift that is creating evolutionary growth will lead to internal conflict and so stress.
The next round of eclipses runs from 5th June to 5th July. Until then the energy of these first two eclipses of 2020 will continue.
Four Essential Steps To Transformation
Very often there is a gap between our desire and what we perceive to exist in our life. This is because the world we see outside us is viewed through a lens created by our beliefs about ourself. These direct our actions, words, physical health and the energy we radiate. Which in turn determines how people respond to us.
We are receiving what we unconsciously expect from Creation. No conscious affirming and positive thinking will counteract this deep unconscious fear or limiting belief. Rather as “everything is energy” changing its vibration will bring about transformation very quickly.
There are four essential steps to such profound change. The effect will allow you to expand your consciousness, create more exciting objectives and express more of who you really are.
1. Awareness
Until we are aware of something we do not know there is anything to change. This requires willingness, a safe space, effective tools and often an experienced guide.
2. Acceptance
Once there is awareness you have to choose your response. The temptation may be to push it away, deny it, minimise it or blame someone else.
3. Expression
Feeling safe enough to make a disowned part of yourself visible can be life-changing.
4. Integration
Each occasion you embrace a previously suppressed part of yourself you become more authentic. Ending internal conflict brings about relaxation and expansiveness in all four parts of your Being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
My passion is to assist you access the opportunities of the 2020s.
The Final Steps
The Sun enters forward-thinking Aquarius on 20th January, encouraging us to become more independent. January´s new moon rises on 24th January in Aquarius. This is not the moment to set objectives, this needs to be done before then.
A recent Message From Source provided this guidance with regard to the importance of our personal engagement:
“The direction is not yet certain, as we have indicated before there is no one way street you are travelling. Rather at each way station there will be a consolidation before heading to the next one. The overall direction is the sum total of the intentions and actions each of you take.”
A final word, your objectives need to be attainable by you and aligned with who you are, not someone else. If that ‘someday maybe’ idea is truly important, it will still be there when it is more opportune.
To Being Free to Choose Your Own Life
Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organizations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.
To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs and patterns of behaviour about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.